$50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway #6 Deer Hunting Tips Video 3

1 month ago

In this video I cover the fence line that I brushed out in Deer Hunting Tips Video 2. I also cover how a fence line and the wire height can help you in deer hunting. I show you where my stands are located, and explain why they are where they are, and I cover a safety tip. First deer always like to follow fence lines, the upper wire should be high enough that they don’t like to jump over it, except their favorite crossing area, there leave the upper wires in place and make the lowest wire twenty to twenty four inches above the ground, a 2.5 year old bucks antlers are tall enough that they will have to bow their head to get under that height. So when they approach the fence, they look in all direction to verify all is clear, bow their head, as soon as their antlers clear the fence they stand up and again look around, this gives you enough time to stand, draw your bow, and make the shot as they stand back up. Take a crossing that they like most, and set up your stands around it for the different winds you will be hunting. Fall by me the wind is typically Southwest or Northwest. The deer love the fence crossing where my stands are because there are about ten wild apple trees in about a 200’ circle of my stands. I talk a little on rubs, and licking braches, and cover a safety tip at the end of this video.
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