Virtual Handshakes: How to Secure Billion-Dollar Deals Remotely"

2 months ago

Virtual Handshakes" not only covers the technological aspects of remote negotiations but also delves into the human elements. It discusses techniques for effective virtual communication, including body language cues over video, and how to conduct due diligence remotely to ensure all aspects of the deal are transparent and accounted for.

The book features case studies from various industries that have successfully negotiated billion-dollar deals remotely, providing readers with practical examples of how to adapt these approaches to their circumstances. It also looks ahead to the future of remote deal-making, considering emerging trends and technologies that will shape the next decade of global business.

Virtual Handshakes: How to Secure Billion-Dollar Deals Remotely" is the definitive resource for anyone looking to excel in the digital deal-making space, offering the tools and knowledge necessary to close deals efficiently, securely, and successfully in the virtual world.

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