Guinea Pig Sucks Down Spaghetti

6 years ago

Usually, pasta eating is associated with romantic, star-crossed dogs thanks to a certain Disney animated classic. But what if I told you they were far from the only animal that enjoys a good noodle made from Italy’s finest semolina flour every now and then? Prepare to have your minds blown, people. That’s right, the guinea pig loves himself some spaghetti.

This guinea pig slurps down a strand of spaghetti.

Look at him go! He sucks down strands like an old pro, and no fork necessary! If he did need to use utensils, however, I have no doubts he’d have the perfect fork twist every single time. Like with some people, pasta is just in his blood. You know he has an advanced palate for a guinea pig, considering how eagerly he chows down on a strand that’s been properly sauced. Any old animal can suck down white pasta like some kind of heathen, but it takes a refined critter to appreciate the dish in the manner it was intended to be served. As they might say in Rome, “Bravo, guinea pig!”

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