Paid Propagandist Harry Sisson EXPOSED By Freedom Of Information Act (Check Out These Receipts!)

10 months ago

An EXCELLENT Summery Of Paid Propagandist Harry Sisson Being Exposed By Freedom Of Information Act. - Harry did an interview with Governor of Pennsylvania - Which means all of Harry’s text messages, emails, and other communications with the government official is part of the public record, and therefore subject to a Freedom of Information request - Sarah Fields put in a Freedom of Information Act request to get the records - Text messages show conversation between Harry Sisson and Gavin Lichtenstein, the director of digital partnerships for the governor - The text messages from Gavin Lichtenstein read ”Hey, Harry. It's Gavin with governor Shapiro's team. Excited for tomorrow. I'm working on getting you an embargoed version of the script with bullet points so you can prepare” - Harry responded with attempting to bring up a question that was “off-script” and during the interview he strictly staid on script. His question was not allowed to be asked

- The interview was setup by Kevin Pham, who is Harry's talent manager at Pallet - Harry denied working for the agency - The transaction records prove he was paid and it was setup by the talent agency and the script was setup, sent and strictly adhered too. “Was scripted by the governor's team with bullet points. We also know that it was set up by pallet management” - There was obviously financial compensation for this interview, but none of his videos about this point out that it's a paid partnership. “Harry, do you know what they call doing paid advertisements for a candidate and not disclosing that you're paid for it? Hey, little buddy. That's a crime. But, hey, I guess liberal creators can commit crimes on this platform and not be punished by TikTok.” Additional details and screenshots of evidence in video. Everything you see is fake. It’s paid support with an agenda that’s scripted and the script is strictly followed.

• More at: Twitchy - WHOA: Paid Propagandist Harry Sisson EXPOSED by Freedom Of Information Act (Check Out These Receipts!)

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