5 months ago


Become a secure-party a.k.a. Creditor by redeeming yourself from the commercial scheme being operated against everyone. Stop allowing government-corporations to survive that serve themselves under a socialistic bankrupt democracy. Transfer from Debtor-Slave to Secured-Party/Creditor by perfecting your sovereignty. Debtors own nothing, have no rights; only privileges. Recognize the commercial-program and operate within their system where there’s no money, just commercial-paper. Wage peace, not war.

Redemption involves disciplines of history, government, commercial-law, statutory-procedure, banking & finance, real-estate, and diplomacy. Each subjects has its own specialized-language. The war raging is one to influence what you think and how you act; a prison without bars, the ultimate form of leverage.

HISTORY: Anonymous-men, through their agents, employees of United States, Inc., and their sub-corporations, began, under the Lincoln-Administration, to hi-jack the Constitution and three branches of the Constitutional-Republic. A quasi-governmental corporate-takeover was engineered to take control of the 50 states, the banking-system, and money-coining & -printing. Civil-War, bankruptcy, and confiscation of the nation’s wealth, created a context/EMERGENCY for enslavement of formerly sovereign-people of the 50 formerly-sovereign-states under COLOR-OF-LAW.

NAIL IN THE COFFIN: 1938 - Supreme Court rulings were partitioned to prevent invocation of any law based on Common-Law, to be replace by the Uniform-Commercial-Code [U.C.C.], and courts of International Contract-Law/Admiralty. COUP 'D ETAT: you unwittingly aided and abetted by ignorance-of-history and -law, signed and acted yourself into this system of commercial-slavery. You do this when you get a job, get married, give birth, register your car, take out a mortgage, use Federal-Reserve-Notes, or join the military.

Are you a landowner in America? Warranty deeds & fee titles to your land read TENANT or TENANCY. The title or deed-document establishes your right as a tenant, not landowner and is drafted for transfer by a licensed BAR Attorney, just as it was carried out within the original English feudal-system from which you presumed yourself to have escaped in 1776.

Recover what’s been stolen from you, redeem yourself from a life of false-perceptions. Redemption wages peace with your adversary and turns the fraud that’s been perpetrated on you to your advantage, so you control your property and prevail in any venue involving agencies and employees of the state- and federal-government. Move from debtor to elevated-status of creditor.

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