Older Brother Uses Robot Toy To Bottle Feed Baby Brother

6 years ago

Let’s start this thing off from the top with me admitting that I am quite jealous of the kid in this video. He has a freaking robot! I would have loved to have a robot as a kid.

Kids are always trying to get out of actually doing their chores, especially ones that involve helping siblings…

I take back what I said earlier. It is not that I did not not have a robot. My dad bought Nintendo’s R.O.B. the Robot which was supposed to work with two very specific games: Gyromite and Stack-Up. Let me tell you, we could never get that stupid robot to actually work with our Nintendo or either of the games that he was supposed to respond to. In the end he was just a kind of cool looking statue of a robot. Blergh. Poor Rob. I feel kind of bad about how much I disliked that robot as a kid. He really did not deserve it.

However, I was NOT expecting the choice this kid would make to HELP his mom with his baby brother!

Meanwhile, this kid gets Buster Robot which was sold in 2000 by EZ-Tec Toys. It is remote controlled by a pad that is connected to the robot by a 6-foot cord. It had 10 functions, working spot light, pulse indicator, forward, backward, rotate, arm open and close, arms up and down, and a microphone that you can talk through. WHAT! I would have killed for a robot that did all that when I was a kid. This thing is dumb and cool at the same time. Which leads me to being impressed at how the brother fed his baby brother using this robot. I am quite envious, it appears.

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