Jesus: The Son Who Is Consecrated For Evermore

8 months ago

Jesus: The Son Who Is Consecrated For Evermore
For the law maketh men high priests
which have infirmity;
but the word of the oath,
which was since the law,
maketh the Son, who is consecrated for evermore.
Hebrews 7:28

As an Intercessor, Jesus doesn’t need to be consecrated every day, as the Old Testament priests had to sacrifice daily for their sins. They had to be consecrated time and again because they sinned. It was impossible for them to enter God’s presence unless they were cleansed each time they approached God. Jesus is the Son Who Is Consecrated For Evermore. He was eternally consecrated—prepared—to continually enter God’s presence for you. Jesus was perfect—without sin—so He could be our Sin Bearer. So now Jesus is the constant Intercessor for our sins. All day and every day, He stands ready to intercede to the Father for us.

Jesus, I constantly need You to intercede for me, because I constantly fail. I sin innocently; intercede to the Father for me. I give in to temptation; pray to strengthen me.

Jesus has an “unchangeable priesthood” (Hebrews 7:24). No matter what sin you commit and no matter why you sin, He will intercede to the Father for you. Remember, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Did you see that word “all”? He cleanses you totally from sin; so confess it, repent and ask Jesus to forgive it. Then seek His power to overcome it. Jesus wants to give you victory. He stands in the Father’s presence for you.

Jesus, I am amazed at Your grace and forgiveness. Thank You for cleansing my sin. Now make continued intercession for me. Amen.

Go Deeper: Mark 14:32-42

Jesus makes constant intercession for your sin.

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