Katharine Gorka: The Takeover of America by NextGen Marxism

10 months ago

Katharine Gorka discusses her new book on the takeover of America by what she calls "NextGen" Marxism. The original and failed dystopian idea of communism has a taken on a new form of revolutionary strategy. One of her greatest concerns is the current weaponization of law enforcement for political purposes. She remains hopeful and her book suggests a 10-point action plan which includes taking action locally. People are much less afraid today and are speaking up, Americans aren't going to take this lying down.

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NextGen Marxism: What It Is and How to Combat It https://www.encounterbooks.com/books/next-gen-marxism
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About Katie Gorka
KATHARINE CORNELL GORKA served as Director for Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation. Prior to that she worked as a presidential appointee in the Office of Policy at the Department of Homeland Security, where she focused on strategies for prevention of terrorism and targeted violence. She was President of Threat Knowledge Group from 2014 to 2017, providing expertise and training on irregular warfare and terrorism to the FBI, US Army Special Forces, Marine Corps, and law enforcement. From 2009 to 2014 she was the executive director of the Westminster Institute, which conducted research and education on threats posed by extremist ideologies. She co-edited the volume, Fighting the Ideological War: Winning Strategies from Communism to Islamism.

*Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)

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