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Prophet Julie Green - Something Big Is Coming Against You - Captions
In the prophetic message, God reassures his children that he is standing in the way of the enemy's power and plans, causing disruptions, eruptions, and explosions to thwart their efforts. He warns of a great catastrophe coming upon the enemy and urges his followers to resist and stand firm, as he will bring destruction to all the plans against them. God also reveals specific names and events that will be exposed and brought to justice, emphasizing that he is in control and will ultimately bring victory.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 97:1-12 AMPC
Ps. 9:1-9, 19-20
Ps. 103:12
Heb. 4:16
Ps. 34:17
Ex. 14:13-15
Prov. 16:18
Ex. 15:1-17
Neh. 8:10
Isa. 54:17
God uses the phrase: A day of reckoning. But God is bigger than anything we are about to see. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of God's throne. Justice: To make things right. Marching Orders: Celebrate! Shout! (Because it destroys the power of the wicked.) El Elyon refers to the characteristics of God that are above everyone and everything. God rules over the entire Earth. Make God your study partner. He will give you revelations and downloads. Jesus died so we could live. He washes your sins away and makes you as white as snow. You can come boldly to God's throne. God's help comes just when we need it. You are worthy because of what Jesus has done for you. Praise and worship destroys the enemy. These things will happen to the enemy: Disruptions, eruptions, calamity and catastrophe. When it gets dark, chaotic, frustrating, scary-remember Who God is and the names of God.
Jehovah Nissi – The Lord your Banner of Victory
El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible
Jehovah Rapha – The Lord your Healer
Jehovah Jireh – The Lord your Provider
Alpha and Omega- Beginning and End
Emmauel- God is with us
El Elyon- The Most High God
Elohim- The Creator
Optics: (typically in a political context) the way in which an event or course of action is perceived by the public.
WAR: Worship And Resist then the Wicked Are Restricted
Full Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is Monday, March 25th of 2024. I want to thank each and every one of you once again for joining today's live show. I'm very, very excited to spend this time with you every morning. And so I do have another word that the Lord has given me that I'm going to give out today. And i'm very excited about that and i'm excited because today is a day the lord has made And we will rejoice and be glad in it And so I do want to make a couple announcements before I get into this prophetic word and i'll make it again at the end Just in case any of you miss it, but this friday, I will not be doing a live show Okay, i'm just going to tell you this friday will not be doing a live show.
We are closed for good friday to Observe what the lord has done You for us so that sacrifice he has made so that friday. I will not be doing a live stream So to give the jgmi team a day off to spend time with their families And so I just want to know friday. There will be no live stream. Okay, and i'll be back again on monday So i'll be live streaming Monday through thursday this week and i'll be doing a special 15 minute or so live Live stream with General Flynn on Saturday.
And I will let you know, it's not on these channels. I will let you know exactly how to see that live show that we'll be doing with General Flynn. Okay. Now that is all the announcements I'm going to make right now. And I want to get into this prophetic word. I want to make sure really quick that rumble is up for some reason.
Rumble takes a few, you know, minute or whatever few seconds longer than it does for the other live streams. So I just wanna make sure that that is up and running correctly, which I do see that it's okay. So now I am going to go and on a second. Okay. I'm getting all this stuff to work this morning. All right?
Okay. All right. Now I'm going to get this prophetic word. And this one is it's got a lot into it as usual. But it is called something big is coming against you. Now this is something, again, it's not to be afraid and not to be fearful. God is telling us the news before the news. He's giving us an inside of what the enemies are doing.
And he's giving us a instructions in that meantime and saying, Hey, This is what you're, I'm giving you a heads up. This is what the enemies are going to do, but I am giving you a solution. So you are not a part of it. I'm giving you something to do to hold on to. So this will not affect you, not in a way that it will affect the enemies of almighty God.
So again, there's judgment coming, but there's also something big that the enemies are planning. Okay. So you can say God's been telling us to brace for impact. God's been telling us to hold on and brace for what is coming. And so this is something that we need to be very, very, very careful on is that we're paying attention to the good in this.
And not this, the negative, which is the, what the enemy would want you to pay attention to. This is from 3- 17. So March 17th of 2024 and something big is coming against you. All right. First paragraph, disruptions, eruptions, explosions, calamity, and great catastrophe to the powers and plans of the enemy.
My children, I am standing in the way my power destroys theirs. Because there is no one like me. Your enemies are trying everything against you: everhthing they how to do they will do. You will see in my word when
Pharoh grew in anger against my people He plotted against them, and threw everything he could at them to bring them into submission to destroy their boldness, hope, strength, or any fight they could have left. This is what your enemies are trying now. Remember in these days who I am, I'm your protector and your deliverer. Your enemies are only allowed to go so far to lead them into their own destruction.
And to awaken my children. Something big is coming against you. Something you do not see. But remember me. And I am bigger. Your enemies can't afford to lose this year. They can't under any circumstances. Let my David win in 2024. They can't let him become president again because they will lose this nation and they will lose their power.
No matter what they try to do, it's not enough for them to win. Don't sit idly by and let them destroy your nations and your freedoms. Shout my words, stand and resist because the giant giants you see, soon you will see no more. Don't give in to any illusions. Don't give in to their optics. Don't give in to their power and don't give in to what it appears like they won't stand against me.
And win
a storm is upon your enemies and it is clouding their judgment and bringing great fear, confusion, and chaos upon them, a great darkness is over them where they will have no reprieve from judgment that is hitting them. Keep
praising, keep worshipping me with joy because it is weakening your enemies and bringing great destruction to all their plans against you. Sayeth the Lord.
Word salad. This phrase will be repeatedly in your news. Destroying not only the Biden and Kamala, but many who are with them. I am confusing their speech just like what happened in the Tower of Babel. And I told you their tongues will become their enemies.
Goldfish will be in your news for a surprising reason. Saul Alinsky, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. His book and his instructions to take down this country and all who have followed him and his plans are being revealed. How these plans have been put into place by the Washington establishment.
These revelations are tearing apart the establishment that was built against you so long ago. There are more like Saul Alinsky that I will expose. But they are in your government. Now, no one has gotten away with any of their corruption or damage they have caused to this nation.
A Chinese spy is about to be exposed in a major way and see who are all was connected to this person and C. C. P. Many in your government are associated with China and are being paid to destroy this nation and all that is being exposed. And destroyed
Georgia. There is more going on in your state than just what's going on in Fulton County. I told you your representatives are dirty and compromised and are traitors to this nation. Kemp will be fully exposed along with every attempt. They are trying against President Trump, him along with Brad Raffensperger, and all who are with them.
A great shaking is coming to Georgia that will clear out the rats and clear out the traitors, and all who are against truth and your freedoms. More explosive evidence will come out of Fulton County, as well to bring down this whole house of cards. In Georgia,
Arizona, Katie Hobbs, as you know, it is not your real governor and great proof is coming to show how your elections were stolen and who was all a part of the election fraud. Maricopa County, Maricopa County has a lot to account for with all the crimes they've committed. against you.
A day of reckoning is coming to many states in this nation and all who stole your nation from you, my children. Yes, a day of reckoning is coming to your government and the political arena, to your courts, to your judicial system, and every judge along with every lawyer who ignored the laws, who ignored evidence, who sat back and knew the truth.
And did nothing about it.
It's all coming to a close and an escalation has begun and great intensity will grow this year. I told you my children, a shaking is occurring and a political reset will take place to remove the swamp and to remove all who are against you. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer. Now, after I heard this prophetic word and I, you know, after he says the Lord, your your redeemer, and I was just going on and praying and praising him and thanking him for that word.
And then I heard something else. So I wrote it down and I didn't know exactly how he wanted me to share this with you because I didn't know if he wanted me to put it in the pair in the prophecy, but I've just, I shared it later on because I heard it after all the rest of this.
So I heard EMPs, false flags. Then I heard, after I heard EMPs and false flags, then I heard _*many false flag events*_. Then the Lord went on to say, I will show the infiltrators and impostors on January 6th, and completely destroy the narrative. Once and for all. And I started praying more. And then I heard the name Carpathia.
This name will be in your news for a shocking reason. And then I also heard Sidewinder. This word will also be in your news for a shocking and significant reason. So after the prophetic word, I heard him say multiple times, E. M. P. s. I heard him say false flags, then I heard him say many false flag events.
And then there was a pause and I prayed some more and then he said, I will show you the infiltrators and imposters on January 6th and completely destroy the narrative once and for all. Then the name Carpathia. And then the word sidewinder. So I knew it was important because I was like, Lord, how do you want me to share this with, you know, with that, with them?
Do I need to put it in a different prophecy? Do I need to talk about it separately? And he just told me to put it on after the prophetic word. So that's exactly what I did. And so we will go over all that. But as before I go back over this prophetic word again, he had me in Psalm 97 and I want to share this with you because again, this is really important because when he's telling you something big is going to happen against you, he also uses the phrase a day of reckoning.
So again, when people hear of things that are coming out against us, They want to get the first response. Is they want to get into fear. They want to say, Oh my God, what is going to happen? How do I need to prepare? What do we need to do? And God is saying, listen, I'm giving you a heads up or I'm giving you notification that I'm in control.
I'm giving you the notice that I am bigger. So when fear comes in, you shut up the spirit of fear and you say, no matter what I see. No matter what is going on, God is bigger than anything that we are about to see. God is bigger than any plan against us. God is bigger than any false flag. He's bigger than any EMP or he's bigger, bigger than any false flag events.
He is bigger than what they're trying to do. The election. He's bigger than what they're trying to do to this nation. He's bigger than what they're trying to do to the world to shut us down again. He is bigger. And not only do we have to remind ourselves that he is bigger, we have to remind ourselves that God wins.
And there's nothing bigger than God. So I want to go to Psalm, turn to Psalm 97.
Now I'm going to read it. I had two different translations. That's what he had me pray about this morning when I was studying, there was two different translations. And the first one I'm going to read out of is the classic amplified. Again, there's a reason why we do more than one. Psalm 97.
Now there's only 12 verses in Psalm 97. Okay. I'm going to first read out of the classic amplified. This is what it says. The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice, but the multitude of aisles and the coastlands be glad. Verse two clouds and darkness are around about him at Sinai righteousness and justice.
Are the foundation of his throne. Remember righteousness and justice are the foundation of God's throne. So justice is very important to God and justice. As we know, the definition of that is making things right. So the foundation of God's throne is to make things right. So we see everything that's wrong.
And going in the wrong direction. The foundation of God's throne is justice. So he will make things right. We see all this injustice, but all of these lawyers. All these judges and all these court cases that you see in this country and you see around the world, you're seeing injustice that is completely out of control.
But again, God's foundation of his throne is justice. So justice is important to God, or he wouldn't have made it one of the foundations of his throne justice. And righteousness. Psalm 97 in verse three, fire goes before him and burns up his adversaries roundabout. I'm gonna read that again. Fire goes before him and burns up his adversaries roundabout.
That's Holy, ghost and Fire. That's the glory of Almighty God. And it destroys the power of the enemy and any enemy that tries to get around him. Verse 4, His lightnings illuminate the world, and the earth sees and trembles. Verse 5, The hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.
Verse 6, The heavens declare His righteousness, and all the people see His glory. Verse 7, Let all of those be put to shame who serve graven images, who boast in idols, fall prostrate before Him, all you gods. So any other false gods or any gods or idols that other people are worshiping. Verse 8. Zion heard and was glad, and the daughters of Judah rejoiced in relief because of your judgments, O Lord.
Verse 9. For you, O Lord, are high above all the earth. You are exalted far above all Gods. Verse 10 oh, you who love the Lord and hate evil. He preserves the life of his saints, the children of God. He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked. Verse 11, light is sown for the uncompromisingly, righteous, and stern along their pathway.
And joy for the upright and right in the irreplaceable joy, which comes from the conscience of his favor and protection. Verse 12. Rejoice in the Lord, you consistently righteous, upright and right standing with God, and give thanks and remembrance of his holiness. Now, that was a classic amplified. Version of psalm the whole entire chapter of psalm 97.
So now i'm going to read it out of the c e v The contemporary english version psalm 97 the lord is king Tell the earth to celebrate in all the islands to shout. What has god been telling us to do? He's been telling us to celebrate he's been telling us to shout why he even gave in this prophetic word the reason why to celebrate and The reason why to shout because it destroys the power of the wicked You This says in verse two, dark clouds surround him in.
His throne is supported by justice and fairness. Fire leaps from his throne destroying his enemies, and his lightning is so bright that the earth sees it and trembles mountains melt away like a wax in the presence of the Lord of all the earth, the heavens announced the Lord brings justice. Everyone sees God's glory.
We should be shouting, shouting right now that God brings justice because he does the enemy when the enemy or the evil in control, there is injustice and the people mourn, but when God's people are in control, the people rejoice. Now I want to keep reading. This is verse six, Psalm 97, verse six out of the C E V translation.
The heavens announced the Lord brings justice. Everyone sees God's glory. Those who brag about useless idols they worship and are terribly ashamed and all the false gods bow down to the Lord. So this is a reminding people and reminding God, you know, the gods that other people serve, That God is the Most High God.
It's important for us to have in our hearts that God is El Elyon. El Elyon. He's the Most High God. That's another name of God. El Elyon. I'm gonna get to that in a minute.
Verse 8. When the people of Zion and the towns of Judah hear that God brings justice God will always bring justice they will celebrate. The Lord rules the whole earth, and He is more glorious than all the false gods. So, I'm going to read that again. This is verse 8. When people of Zion and the towns of Judah hear that God brings justice, they will celebrate.
The Lord, this is verse 9. The Lord rules the whole earth. And it's more glorious than all the false gods. So we have to know that the Lord rules over the whole entire earth. And so no matter what evil, no matter what rulers, no matter what governments think the gods that they serve are the, are the biggest gods or that the more powerful God's going to show them that he rules over all the earth.
And he is going to bring that justice and he's going to make sure that not only his enemies know that he's the most high God, but he's going to prove to his people that he's the most high God.
Verse 10, Psalm 97, verse 10, let's see E. V. The love, love the Lord and hate evil. God protects his loyal people. And rescues them from violence. If you obey and do right, a light will show you the way and fill you with happiness. You are the Lord's people. So celebrate and praise only God. So again, this right here.
That's the reason why I read more than one. I read two translations. One was amplified. The next one was the C E V. And the reason to just show you the difference of the translations is because sometimes you can read that and you're just like really, really excited about it. And then all of a sudden, the Lord will tell me to read a different translation.
And I've never read these translations like that before. And, you know, whether it be the Message Translation, the CEV, or the NIV, whatever. I usually read, I have a parallel Bible. And it's a New King James and the Classic Amplified. That's really the longest time when I read. And I told you guys before, then God all of a sudden has been having me study.
And all of a sudden he'll go read that outta the CEV or read that out of the message or read that out of the NIV. And I'm like, okay. 'cause I never read those particular scriptures out of that translation before. And then when I'm studying, then all of a sudden I go and read those and I'm, and then something else out.
That different translation just sticks out at me and I'm like, oh my goodness. I have never seen that translation before and I not have not gotten that revelation of what the Lord was showing me. Until he said he is one who gives me specifically read that translation read that translation The reason because he knew in that translation.
I was gonna see something in those scriptures that I hadn't seen before And that's how exciting God can be. Because even when I'm studying, I don't just read the Bible to read it like a normal book. I read it to receive the revelations from heaven and receive. I'm like, okay, Lord, what do you want me to read today?
What scripture do you want to read? Do you want me to read? And then, then he'll take me like this by the unction of the Holy spirit. I'll know exactly what chapters to read. And then he'll give me a revelation in those chapters I hadn't seen before. He is so fun to study with. I'm telling you, make him your study partner.
Make God a study partner. Go, God, I thank you that you're my study partner. And I thank you that while I'm studying your work, you're going to give me revelations from heaven in these downloads. I thank you, father, God, for letting me see something in these scriptures that I'm reading today that I haven't seen before.
He's fun to study with. I'm telling you. Okay. Now I also want you to go to Psalm nine, Psalm nine. I don't know if I have this up in any other translation right now. No, I don't. Okay. Psalm 9. Now, this is something that I love the book of Psalms. I can stay in it all the time. Psalms is fun to read because David had, and David wrote the book of Psalms, and David had a really good revelation on the inside of him how big God was, and that he could expect God to save him no matter what it was.
He was praising and worshiping. Most of these Psalms were were hymns. They were, they were songs. That he's saying to God and so look at verse one Psalm 9 verse 1 says I will praise you. Oh lord with my whole heart I will show forth recount and tell aloud all your marvelous works and your wonderful deeds You what can bring joy to you is reminding yourself recount and tell aloud All the awesome and mighty things that god has done for you And if you can't think about anything in your life, because maybe you're a new born again christian You And your life before that was filled with a lot of torment and torture or hard times If you can't see anything in your own life to me The best thing that he did for you was to bring you out of that darkness And bring you into his kingdom as a child of the most high god You can celebrate that that you didn't spend all eternity with god that you are his child and he's the most high god There's no one bigger than him that he gave us this earth That he gave us Jesus, that he gave us Jesus in order for us to be able to live.
He died so we could live. He became sin who knew no sin to destroy the sin that he knew we were going to commit to forgive us. Those are the things that we can be thankful for. He washes our sins away and makes us as white as snow. He, he wants to not remember our sins. He throws them as far as the east or west to remember them no more.
So you can go to God and repent of something the next day, commit that sin again and go, God, I did it again. Cause I've done this before. God, I did this again. He'll go, what are you talking about? He chooses not to remember. That's how much he loves us. He washes us and remember he sees us through the blood of Jesus Christ.
So as that vision that he showed me in my prayer closet, one time, this was probably 10 years or so ago when I was in that prayer closet, kneeling down. I gave this example before and I was kneeling down and I had my eyes closed and I don't see visions really. But I saw a vision and it was Jesus kneeling in my closet where I was kneeling.
I said, God, I know this means something. What does this mean? What does this vision mean? Cause you don't give me visions like this. What does this vision mean? He says, when you're praying like this. Remember, I see you through the eyes of Christ. I don't see you through your past failures. I don't see all the sins that you've committed.
I don't see you how you see yourself. I don't see you that way. I see you through the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ. I see you through what he did. I see you through his love. I see you that way. So then that's why it says in Hebrews 4, 16, that we can come boldly to the throne of grace. To obtain mercy in a time of need through the blood of your son, Jesus.
We can go to that throne through the blood of Jesus Christ and come bully to that throne and say God I messed up today. You know what hold on to your place in Psalm 9 I gotta I gotta read that scripture in Hebrews 4 and one of my dark times I it was hard for me to go to the Lord I mean your your everything in your body is telling you to run from him instead of running to him You know, you're just like, you condemn yourself and you're angry at yourself.
And there's so much guilt and shame and condemnation. And you're just like, I can't go to God. I'm so embarrassed. I'm so ashamed. And he is not finding out about your sin when you come to him. That's when you get rid of it. Satan will try to get you to run away from God and God wants you to run to him. So it says in Hebrews 4, 16, this is what he showed me.
He said, Julie, I want you to read this. I like the classic amplified version. This is a long time ago. He was showing me many different things. How I was seeing myself was so wrong. How he was seeing me. And he was showing me here in Hebrews 4 16, let us then fiercely and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace, the throne of God's unmerited favor to us sinners, that we may receive mercy for our failures.
Find grace to help in good time for every need, appropriate help, well timed help, coming just when we need it. God's help comes just when we need it. And we can come boldly and fiercely to the throne of God, of grace. Now the reason why I want to say that is because there are people out there right now That they've had really bad past lives and they've committed all these different sins and they don't, you know, feel like they, that they're worthy to receive God's love.
So he needs to hear this. You are worthy because of what Jesus has done for you. Okay. You are worthy to receive. You're not just a lowly center falling short of the glory of God. That's why he sent Jesus. We were those lowly centers falling short of the glory of God. But when Jesus came on the scene, he destroyed that and it made his righteousness of God through Christ Jesus.
Somebody had to hear that today. All right. Now I want to turn it back to Psalm 9, Psalm 9, verse 3, Psalm 9, verse 3. Now listen, this prophetic word, I'm going to go back over where he's saying something big is going to happen against you. And he's talking about the day of reckoning. He's talking about things intensifying.
He's talking about things looking worse for they're going to get better. We have to know that we can come boldly to the throne of grace. Okay, guys and he comes to help and it's well timed help coming just when we need it So we know that god when we go to his throne, we can come boldly to his throne Okay, lord, it looks like all hell is breaking loose But I thank you that I can come fearless fiercely and boldly to the throne of grace I thank you that it's well timed help coming just when I need it I thank you father god that you are helping me in this time because it says in your word in psalm 30 Psalm 94 verse 17.
It says, when the righteous cry out, you deliver us out of it all. You hear the cries of your people and you will deliver them out of it all. All right. Psalm 9 verse 3. When my enemies turn back, they stumble and perish before you. You know what? I got to read some nine verse two. I will rejoice in you and being high spirits.
I will sing praises to your name. Oh, most high. Now remember what he just talked about. He is the most high that's L Elyon. All right, L Elyon. It's E L there's a space. E L Y O N, L E L I O N, as another name of God. And that name means the Most High God. Whenever you see Most High God, it's referenced 52 times.
In the Bible. Okay. El Elyon or in other reference, the most high. El is related to the word Elohim. Now Elohim means creator. Okay. He created this whole entire earth and is used in conjunction with other descriptive words, especially referencing a particular character, a character of God. Elyon means highest or most high.
So I just read to you in Psalm 97 talking about how he's the most high God over all the earth. He's Elyon. Used together, El, which is creator, Elohim. And then Elyon means the most high God. He's the creator of this entire world or universe and there is no one bigger than him. And so we have to get to know God than just God.
You have to know him as Elyon, the most high God. Know him as Elohim, the creator. Know him as El Shaddai. The God of nothing is impossible. When you know the characteristics of God, and you know, the names of God, and you're knowing these, even when you're hearing these bad reports, even when you're seeing everything in this earth shake, you will say, you know what, God's the most high God.
His name is El Elyon. There's nothing bigger than God. So I don't care how big these enemies look. I don't make out I don't care how big these Giants look. El Elyon is bigger than this. He is bigger than this chaos He is bigger than this all these different things that are going on all over the world.
He's he's bigger He's the creator and he's El Shaddai the God of nothing is impossible So El Elyon means the Most High God it referenced To the characteristics of God that he is above everyone and everything. The name describes his position as sovereign. Majestic, preeminent God. So, El Elyon means the most high God.
It refers to the characteristic of God that is above everyone and everything. So, if we knew down in our hearts, we had this revelation of El Elyon, that he is above everyone and everything, then no matter what happens in this earth, we're not going to be afraid. We're not going to get paralyzed through fear, which that's what the enemies are going to try to do is to bring more fear.
That's what COVID was supposed to do, is to bring the ultimate fear upon this earth that we would ultimately submit to the enemy. And we would never come out of those lockdowns and we would never have our freedoms back. That was their plan. And God is saying they're going to, they're going to cause more chaos and destruction.
Again, I'll go back over this prophetic word in a minute, but I have to keep, I have to keep going here. Psalm 9. And verse four, Psalm nine, verse four, for you have maintained my right and my cause. You sat on the throne, judging righteously. Verse 5. You have rebuked the nations. You have destroyed the wicked.
You have blotted out their name forever and ever. Well, God, if he's above everything and everyone, Then we know that he can destroy anything that's underneath him. Anyone or anything that's against him or below him. Everything is blown. Verse 6. The enemy have been cut off. I'm going to give you a great example in Exodus how the enemy was cut off.
And have vanished and everlasting ruins. You have plucked up and overthrown their cities. The very memory of them have perished and vanished. So again, they're not gonna stay where they're at. The enemies are not gonna stay in their places of power. Verse seven, but the Lord shall remain and continue forever.
He has repaired and established his throne for judgment, then talked about a lot about judgment lately. Verse eight. He will judge the world in righteousness. Rightness and equity. He will minister justice to the peoples in uprightness. Then it goes on to say, verse 9. The Lord also will be a refuge and high tower for the oppressed.
A refuge and stronghold in times of trouble. High cost, destitution, and desperation. He's our what? It says right here, the Lord will be our refuge and our high tower. For the oppressed and refuge and stronghold in times of trouble. He's our protector. He's our high tower. He can keep us above the enemy. You know, when you're in war, when you're in any type of fight, you always want to have the above ground.
You always want to have that. You want to be above the enemy. So if you want, if there's like a hill and valleys, you want to be on the top of the hill and live enemy. Something can destroy them.
Let's keep going verse 19 psalm 9 verse 19 arise. Oh lord. Let not man prevail Let the nations be judged before you verse 20 put them in fear make them realize their frail nature Oh lord, let the nations may know themselves to be just but men sila Sila means pause and calmly think about that sila whenever you see sila at the end of a scripture pause Think about that scripture Go back over and read that scripture and see what God is saying.
Let's read that scripture again, put them in fear, make them realize their frail nature, make them realize that they're not bigger than you guy. That's what David was saying. Oh Lord, that the nations may know themselves to be, but men because our enemies have a complex problem. They think that they're gods.
They think that they're, you know, well, they're bigger than they're really bigger than their britches because they think that they can do no wrong. That they are the almost powerful, that they have all the most power, and no one's going to defeat them. Well, they have a problem, because God is bigger. And God is going to show them that he is bigger.
And just like Pharaoh, he got too big for his britches, too. And you know what? He thought that he was God. He thought that no one was bigger than him, or the gods that he served, and the gods that he served were all most powerful, And that they were protecting him and saving him and giving him all this power, blah, blah, blah, whatever.
When you realize that's not actually what happened. God was letting him think he was that person. He was letting him think that he was the most powerful. And the reason that is to take it, it's like yanking all that power from underneath his feet and going, yeah, you weren't anything at all. Pride comes before a fall.
Now, I'll read something to you really quick before I go back over this prophetic word again. Now, I want to read Exodus 14. Exodus verse chapter 14 verse 13. Exodus chapter 14 in verse 13. And God had me study this and read it out of the CEV. I've never read it out of the CEV before this morning.
And it says, but Moses answered, don't be afraid, Be brave, and you will see the Lord save you today. These Egyptians will never bother you again. The Lord will fight for you, and you won't have to do a thing. Verse 15. The Lord said to Moses, Why do you keep calling out to me for help? Tell the Israelites to move forward.
Then hold your walking stick over the sea. The water will open up and make a road where they can't walk where they can walk through on dry ground I will make the egyptians so stubborn that they will go after you Then I will be praised because of what happens to the king and his chariots cavalry. The egyptian will know for sure Do you get what he was saying right here?
I will make the Egyptians stubborn. They're walking into a trap. They will go after you. Our enemies keep pursuing us, and they keep doing more damage to our nations, more damage to our freedoms, more damage to everything that we have in our lives. Remember he hardened Pharaoh's heart? Why? Because we could show him that he was the one true God.
Then he's saying, listen, they're going to be stubborn, and they're going to go after you, and they're going to go after you, and that's going to be their destruction. Our enemy's going after us in this time where you're going to see it look the most dark, the most crazy, the most out of control, and God's saying, that is their destruction.
They're walking right into that trap. They're walking right into something. Because they're so stubborn and they're so prideful and arrogant, they're not going to see it coming. Pharaoh and his chariots and his men did not see that the Red Sea was going to come down on them. They were so prideful and arrogant, they thought, yep, if the Egyptians got to go through that, because they thought it was their god, that part of the Red Sea.
I can't remember their god of the water. I don't remember all the gods that they serve. They did serve a god of the water. I can't remember his name. But they thought they were so arrogant. It's like, okay, their god opened up that water for them in order, which is stupid, in order for them to catch them on the other side.
That doesn't make any sense. Because they had them right there. Why would their god of the water open up part of the Red Sea so they could walk on dry ground to get to the other side in order for the Egyptians just to take them back over across the Red Sea again? It made no sense. But when your enemies are fighting you, common sense just kind of goes out the window.
They don't think about common sense. They think about their arrogance and their pride and what they think is right. So you guys all know what happened to that story, but I want to go over the CEV of Exodus 15. This is right after God's people saw that they saw the part of the Red Sea, they walked across and they saw Pharaoh and all of his men.
to be destroyed right in front of God's face, just like God said. Look what happened. Exodus 15 verse 1. This is the C. E. V. Moses and the Israelites sang this song in praise of the Lord. I sing praises to the Lord for His great victory. He has thrown the horses and the riders into the sea. The Lord is my strength, the reason for my song, because He saved me.
I praise and honor the Lord. He is my God and the God of my ancestors. Verse three, the Lord is his name and he's a warrior. God is a warrior. And verse four, he threw his chariots and army of Egypt's king into the Red Sea and he drowned the best of the king's officers and they sank to the bottom just like stones.
So they're recounting and telling aloud that God is this warrior. He fought in the battle and he won. And he's saying, no matter how big the Egyptians were, and they were the biggest. The Egyptians were the biggest nation at the time. They were a superpower and they were saying, God is so much bigger. And he was showing us how much bigger he was than the power of the Egyptians.
He's so much bigger. And then again, they sang to the bottom, like, just like stones. So there were nothing in God's sight. Verse five, they say to the, sorry, verse six, with this tremendous force of your right arm, with a tremendous force of your right arm, and then it says, you crushed your enemies. What a great victory was yours when you defeated everyone who opposed you.
If God's people right now, we all got into our hearts. This right here with tremendous force of your right arm. Oh, our Lord, you crushed our enemies. You crush your enemies this verse 7 what a great victory was yours when you defeated everyone who opposed you if we got that down Our on our hearts that no matter what what God's arm is right arm is gonna crush our enemies with a great victory Because no matter what when you defeat everyone who opposes you God defeats everyone who opposes God and I think the ones we are seeing today are opposing God.
They are making massive mistakes. I'm gonna keep reading. Your fiery anger wiped them out as though they were straw. So they were singing and praising and celebrating that God And his force of power were so massive that this Egyptian army that looked so big just a few minutes before or, you know, moments before was just like straw, like nothing.
Verse 8, you were so furious that the sea piled up like a wall and the ocean depths curdled like cheese. Verse 9, your enemies boasted that they would pursue and captured us. Divide up our possessions, treat us as they wish, and then take out their swords, and take that, and then take out their swords. And kill us right there.
So saying this is what the enemy planned and then it says but when you got furious They sank like lead and swallowed by the ocean waves verse 11 our lord. No other god compares with you majestic and holy fearsome and glorious Miracle worker when you signal with your right hand your enemies were swallowed into the deep earth Verse 13 the people you rescued were led by powerful love to your holy place You Nations learned of this and trembled.
Philistines shook with horror. The leaders of Edom and Moab were terrified. Everyone in Canaan fainted and struck down by fear. Our Lord, your powerful arm kept them still as a rock. until the people you rescued to be your very own had marched by. Verse 17. You will let your people settle on your mountain where you choose to live and to be worshipped.
Our Lord, you will rule forever. Do you see? They got a great revelation of how powerful God was, how powerful his arm was, and they crushed The power of the enemy and if we will get that revelation, that's why Like I said, I have never seen these scriptures in the cev translation before I never thought about reading them in cev I just started learning about the cev just not that long ago And so when I started reading that this morning, I was like, I just started jumping up and down She's just like lord.
There's so much great revelation in these scriptures that sometimes people overlook. They don't see it So even when god is giving us and he's warning us of all these bad things to come. He's saying hey You Look at who I am. Look at who I am. I'm the creator of heaven and earth. I'm El Elyon. I'm the Most High God.
There's no one like me. He was showing Pharaoh and all of his men. He was showing God's people right then and there. He was showing them that he crushes the enemy. And that there's no one bigger than him no matter how big they were. That's what we had to remind ourselves and when god is telling us to shout and god's telling us to celebrate right now And he's saying that because it destroys the power of our enemy If we would just read the book of psalms and realize that god's people were making this as songs And start praising and worshiping god in these verses and saying I praise you lord because your right hand You crush the power of the enemy and I don't care how big they look you're bigger because you're el elyon You're you are the most high god You are Elo, you're Elohim, you're the creator of heaven and earth, and creation can never overthrow creator.
I thank you, Father God, that you're El Shaddai. You're the God who nothing is impossible. I thank you, Father God, so every impossible situation we're facing all around the world, I thank you that there's nothing impossible for you. That is how you destroy your enemy. Praising and worshiping and reminding yourself, just like what David said in Psalm 9, verse 1, he recounted or said, said, tell aloud.
That's when joy comes. Because you're reminding yourself in your heart that God is bigger than anything you're seeing. Okay, let's go back over this prophetic word.
First paragraph, disruptions, eruptions, explosions, calamity, and great catastrophe to the powers that be. and plans of the enemy. So these are the things that are going to happen to the enemy. Disruptions, eruptions, explosions, calamity, and great catastrophe to the powers of the enemy. So when you're seeing, think about this for a minute.
You're seeing the enemy try to bring great chaos, trying to turn the world upside down, trying to destroy us in every way they possibly can. So you're going to see an evil grow to an extent. Now, listen, do not care about that because God's our protector. Remember, we're supposed to be shouting and praising and worshiping God at the same time.
They're bringing this disruptions. They're bringing all this chaos and frustration, and they're trying to bring all this evil upon the earth. God's judgment is raining down
when Pharaoh great example So let's just show this when Pharaoh was doing all the discussing stuff that he did against Israelites and made their lives
The last, you know, several months that they had in Egypt or however long it took for the 10 plagues. And that time leading up to the end of, you know, the Egyptians are being in control over God's people. The evil Egyptians were bringing a great evil upon the Israelites. greater than that ever seen before.
But at the same time, the plagues were hitting the Egyptians. So what Pharaoh and his men were making God's people's lives harder. God was making their lives harder. So at the same time, you have Pharaoh doing what he was doing to the Israelites. And then you have God doing what he was doing to Egyptians at the exact same.
And as you know, no matter what the Egyptians wanted to do to God's people and the judgment, God was raining down. They didn't touch the land of Goshen. So when you see the enemies try to bring all this evil upon the earth, which they're going to do, guaranteed, God's been telling us that, you're going to see God's judgment hitting them at the exact same time.
So that's why God's saying, Hey, things are going to happen. Things are going to get chaotic. They're going to look like they're getting worse. They're going to look like everything is upside down. It's going to look so like mayhem out of control, dark, impossible. And God is saying, go back to the scriptures and read what he did for us in the book of Exodus.
Read what he did for his people, read in the book of Psalms, read how his people had this revelation that he is the one who is most like God and he is the one who destroys the power of the enemies and cuts them off. David had a great revelation of that. Obviously he saw that time and time again. He saw that with the bear, he saw that with the lion, he saw it with Goliath, he saw it with Saul, he saw it with his enemies.
Every time the enemy came against David, God did something for him. And that's why David wrote the book of so much of the book of Psalms, just praising and worshiping God of how big and how awesome he was. All right, so I'm going to keep reading. So again, God is telling us of things. He's warning us, Hey, they're gonna try and make your lives miserable.
And he keeps telling us, these are the days of Haman. And what Haman did to Mordecai was he built those gallows to hang up Mordecai to kill him, to hang him there and kill him in him right in front of everyone. And then Haman and all of his men were actually ones that were killed on those gallows days of Haman.
God keeps talking about it. Second paragraph, my children, I'm standing in the way. My power destroys theirs. Because there was no one like me. He just gave us several different scriptures that were showing us El Elyon, and there was no one like him. There was no one bigger than God, because he's the Mosai God.
He was showing us this. So when I go back over these, when I hear these prophetic words I'm going over, sometimes I'll get scriptures that will bubble up in my spirit and I'll write them down. And other times it's like a magnifying glass as I'm reading over, I'm setting over, I'm praying before I get on the live, all of a sudden the Lord is like, and it's just like a machine gun.
And he'll just show me all these different scriptures. And it relates to what he's saying right here. It is. I'm telling you, I have so much fun with the Lord before I get on there. Okay. Now that it says your enemies are trying everything against you, everything they know how to do, they will do just like Pharaoh.
Pharaoh, he did everything he knew to do, he did, okay? But then God says, You will see in my word when Pharaoh grew in anger against my people, he plotted against them and threw everything he could at them to bring them into his submission to destroy their boldness, hope, strength, or any fight they had left, that they could have had left.
This is what your enemies are trying now. They're saying just in this country alone. Okay. First of all, your enemies are saying resistance all over the world. Governments are seeing a resistance all over the world, all these different countries. These people are resisting, especially as farmers. God bless those farmers.
We'll pray for our farmers even here too. But they are standing up against their governments and against what they're doing against them. And so you see here that these, the establishment has thrown everything they could at President Trump. Okay? Just trying to destroy his life. Now they're trying, as like they were trying to do today, they're trying to break him financially.
It's not gonna work. They're trying to do everything to assassinate him. His credibility. They're trying to destroy his finances and his company. They're trying to destroy everything about his life. But it's just making his, making him stronger and it's making his base bigger and they're getting so angry and they can't figure out what's going on.
Why are people still voting for him? And that's why they're trying to take him off the ballot and they're trying to take his company away and they're trying to take him in any way they could. They can't just take him away from that election and they're closer. They get to this and they see the momentum that's on.
President Trump side and the side of truth. Then all of a sudden they're getting angry because it's not happening to them. Again, it's all about the side of life and the side of truth and the side of God, the side of justice. That's what he will pick. Now let's keep reading now because they see this and they see.
That things are not happening the way they want them to happen and they realize they can't afford to lose That's when they're going to just try to pull anything they can but guys are warning us of this for a long time But this is what's going to happen Remember in these days who I am so when it gets dark when it gets chaotic when it gets frustrating and we are like Oh my god, what in the world is going on?
God is saying, remember in these days who I am. Remember that he's Elion, right? And he's do a in depth study of the names of God. I told you about a book. I can't think of her name right now, but Marilyn Hinckley, she wrote a book about the names of God, great book. Okay. And if you know, instead of that, you even look up look it up on Google it or duck, duck, go it, whatever.
Do a search on the names of God. It'll benefit you in many different ways because you will not know him just as God. You're going to know him as the characteristics of God and what God does and who he really truly is. All right. So he's saying, remember in these days who I am, I'm your protector, your deliverer, your enemies are only allowed.
Now listen to what he's saying. Your enemies are only allowed to go so far to lead them into their own destruction and to awaken my children. So great example, Pharaoh was only allowed to go so far and it was approved to Pharaoh that he was the most high God was also to prove to his people that he was the most high God.
It was twofold. He's doing that again. Here's the next paragraph. Something big is coming against you. This is his warning. Something you don't see, but remember me. Don't relate to, Oh my God, something big is going to happen. What is it? And then have your mind just start going. And in all these fearful different situations.
God is saying, listen, remember me that I'm bigger. So when everything is going to happen, remember God's bigger guys, bigger than any of these problems, your enemies can't, your enemies can't afford to lose this year. They can't under any circumstances, let my David win in 2024. They can't let him become president again, because they will lose this nation.
They will lose their power. They know everything that they have built up into this time. So Washington's establishment will be crushed to its core. It'll be annihilated. They know it because this time president Trump's going to know everything because. Of what he's learned in the last several years and he ain't playing and neither is God I know it's not proper english, but you know what I mean?
All right, let's keep reading next paragraph. No matter what they try To do it's not enough for them to win same thing with pharaoh No matter how much he tried it wasn't enough for him to win He wasn't going to kill god's people and he wasn't going to bring him back over to slavery No matter what he did.
So no matter what they they will try to do. It's not enough for them to win Don't sit idly by and let them destroy your nations and your freedoms You Shout my words, stand and resist. The giants you see, soon you will see no more. Don't give in to any, now listen, very, he was very specific. Don't give in to any illusions.
Don't give in to their optics. Don't give in to their power. Don't give in to what it appears like. They won't stand against me and win. So an illusion. Let's look this up quick because he was very specific and I keep hitting my microphone. Okay. Illusion. A thing that is or likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses.
Let me read that again. A thing that is likely to be wrongly perceived. Or interpreted by the senses. So God said, don't give in to their illusions or things that we wrongfully perceived by our senses. Our five physical senses are going to be shouting and screaming at us, but the world is going to fall apart.
God saying, don't give into that illusion. Now, what else did he say? Don't give into their optics. All right, let's look up the definition of optics. Again, when he says specific words like this, there is times where he will have me do this because we're, he doesn't want us to miss anything.
Optics. The scientific study of sight and the behavior of light are the properties of trans mission. Okay, that's not, hold on. Typically, a political context, the way in which an event or course of action is perceived by the public. That's the second definition. I'm gonna read it again. Typically, in a political context, the way in which an event or course of action is perceived by the public.
So that's why God keeps telling us, To not be moved by what we're seeing and what things appear like. He said, he said, he keeps saying over and over and over again, things are not how they appear to be. Let's read something else. He said, so don't go by their illusions, their optics, their power, and don't give it into what it appears like.
They won't stand against me and win. Remember, he keeps talking to us about we're watching a movie and there's many actors. We're going to find out how many there are. And there's a lot. All right. Next paragraph. A storm is upon your enemies. And it's clouding their judgment and bringing great fear, confusion and chaos upon them.
So he's been talking about a storm. Okay. A storm that's coming up against our enemies. He said the storm is upon them. And what is that storm doing? Well, we know again, I live in Iowa, so we have tornadoes and there is thunderstorms and things that can damage homes and cities and things like that. Well, a storm like this is a spiritual storm.
And it causes destruction. And one of the things he said was, it is clouding their judgment. So they're going to start making bad decisions. They're clouding their judgment and bringing great fear. They are in so much fear right now. They're in fear of losing control. They're in fear of losing their power.
They're in fear of losing their money. They're in fear of losing their position. They're in fear of losing this country and their globalist agenda. They're in fear. And that's why they're angry. Fear is another face of Or anger is another face of fear. Anger is another face of fear. Alright, so it says they're bringing great fear, confusion, and chaos upon them.
Alright, that's what the storm is doing. A great darkness is over them, where they will have no reprieve from judgment that is hitting them. So, again, when God talks about how there was darkness in Egypt, they could not get out of their homes. That darkness was so heavy. The spiritual darkness is going to be worse for these people who are against God.
Next paragraph. Keep praising. Why did God say, keep praising? Cause it destroys the power of the enemy. Remember what we do in war? W A R. We worship and resist. W A R. Then when we worship and resist W A R the wicked are restricted. Very important. Worship destroys the power of the enemy. All right. Keep praising.
That's why he's selling us out. Keep worshiping me with joy. The joy of the Lord is our strength because it's weakening your enemies. So the joy of the Lord brings strength to us. Now get this. God good God is. The joy of the Lord brings strength to us, but that joy, that strength is bringing to us weakens the enemy.
It weakens their power against you. It's weakening your enemies and bringing great destruction to all of their plans against you. Say it to the Lord. Prayer, praise, worship, resist. Worship and resist. All right. Now, next paragraph. I thought this was funny. Word salad. You heard that right? The word and salad word salad.
This phrase will be repeatedly in your news is showing that only the Biden and Kamala. I am confusing their speech just like what happened at the Tower of Babel. I told you their tongues would become their enemies. So you hear the phrase in the news, word salad. I know, I think I think Kamala was known for that.
But I'm just saying it's going to get worse. Their tongues are going to be worse enemies and they're going to start spewing things out. It's going to be like a word salad. It's not going to make any sense. And people aren't going to understand what they're saying. And God's saying, He's doing that. That's part of that judgment.
Their tongues are a part of this judgment. All right, then
he said the word goldfish. Literally, goldfish will be in your news for a surprising reason. When I first heard goldfish, I'm like, Lord, did you really just say goldfish? Because what would be the point of that? I don't know. But he knows it'll get your attention. So goldfish will be in your news for a surprising reason.
All right. Then he says, Saul Alinsky. His name is Saul Alinsky. This name will be in your news for a shocking reason. Look him up. He was a communist. He was also a person that trained Hillary and, and Obama. Look him up. His name is Saul. His last name is Alinsky. A L I N S K Y.
His book and his instructions to take down this country and all who have followed him and his plans are being revealed. How these plans have been put into place by the Washington establishment. These revelations are tearing apart the establishment that was built against you so long ago. There are, there are more like Saul Alinsky that I will also expose that are in your government today.
Now, no one has gotten away with any of their corruption or damage they have caused this nation. So when you start looking up Saul Alinsky and realizing that he's a socialist and he's a communist and he came over here in order to destroy this country from within to his followers. Look it up Hillary and Obama
now I'm gonna keep going but do your due diligence and look these people up now This book is a secret book that has been all across This government of the United States of America this corrupt government. They hand it to their in their inner circle Okay They hand it to the inner circle and God's going to expose it.
Next paragraph. A Chinese spy is about to be exposed in a major way. And you will see all who is connected to this person and the CCP. Many in your government are associated with China. Now that's a, you know, hard to hear. Many people in our government are associated with China and are being paid to destroy this nation and all that is being exposed and destroyed.
So again, there's a lot of our government who are working for the CCP. Why would they do that? They sold their soul to the devil. Who knows? I don't know. I don't know how you could sell your own soul and your own country out to another country. But they do. If people infiltrate our government, Just like they had where what was his name?
He was a Congressman and he was sleeping with a spy, a Chinese spy. Swalwell, Eric Swalwell, there are Chinese spies everywhere in this country. And we just didn't know about it. And God's going to expose it. Now, Georgia, there's so many prophecies on Georgia, Georgia. There is more going on in your state than just what's going on in Fulton County.
I told you your representatives are dirty. And compromised and are traitors to this nation. Kemp will fully be exposed along with every attempt they're trying against president Trump. He's talked about how Brian Kemp, governor Brian Kemp is associated with the CCP. Just watch. He'll be exposed as one of those people.
Then it says a great shaking. Oh, sorry. An attempt that they're trying against President Trump. Him along with Brian Rathensberger, or Brad Rathensberger, now he's a Secretary of State in Georgia, they're both dirty and they're both traitors. Brad Rathensberger and all who are with them. No, there's more than just both of them.
A great shaking is coming to Georgia that will clear out the rats and clear out the traitors and all who are against truth and your freedoms. More explosive evidence will come out of Fulton County as well to bring down this whole house of cards in Georgia. So watch to see all the things that are happening in Georgia.
Then he mentions Arizona. Arizona, Katie Hobbs, as you know, is not your real governor and great proof is coming to show your elections were stolen and who was all part of the election fraud. Maricopa County has a lot to account for with all the crimes they have committed. So Maricopa County is in big trouble, and I don't care who they think they are.
They are not getting away with anything they've done. All right, next paragraph. A day of reckoning is coming to many states in this nation, and all who stole your nation from you, my children. Yes, a day of reckoning is coming to your government and the political arena, to your courts, to your judicial system, and every judge, along with every lawyer, Who ignored the laws and who ignored evidence, who sat back and knew the truth and did nothing about it.
So again, God is talking about justice. And we found out earlier that justice is one of the foundations of God's throne. Justice is important to God. It's all coming to a close and an escalation has begun and a great intensity will grow this year. I have told you, my children, a shaking is occurring in a political reset.
Will take place to remove the swamp and to remove all who are against you say it the lord your redeemer Now, let me look up. I know i'm running out of time here. I have a meeting at eight o'clock. So I gotta hurry up Let's see here what the date what a reckoning means reckoning meaning an accent or action or process of calculating or estimating something a person's view of opinion of judgment A bill of countersolvent.
Okay, hold on. A day or a time in the fu
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