I am changing the guards

5 months ago

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I Am changing the guards

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
27th of April 2024 01.33

I Am changing the guards of old.
The old is past and you shall never see them again.
Exodus 14

I Am taking down the strongholds of your enemies. Can you hear them screaming in fear?
They know that their time is short.

Walls of Jericho, Wall Street, walls of Babylon, walls that are built to keep you from the truth will come crashing down.
Joshua 6:1-20

Fallen, fallen is the great Babylon! The great harlot has fallen. Soon you will see her power and her wealth be taken away. Her cup is full of iniquity and filth therefore I your God will reveal and remove the stench.
Revelation 18:1-21

Chains are falling off My people and a new era is taking place on the Earth.
Daniel 2:21

This shifting and changing is forever. The ungodly and the unrighteous systems and the Governments are about to be taken down.

It is time for you My children, to speak to all the seven mountains of influence.
I decree and declare these seven mountains of influence shall be given to the Kingdom of God!

Ask of Me to give you the nations because it is your heritage!
Psalm 2:8

Use your authority!
Take back what is rightfully yours!
What Satan stole from you, claim it!
Proverbs 6:31
Matthew 28:18-20
Ephesians 1:21

He shall give you seven fold back of what he stole! I have commanded you to use your Authority because it is already yours!
Proverbs 6:31

Satan, your adversary, has lied to you. He shall give back what is already yours.
John 8:44

Yeshua, My son, took the keys from Satan, so that is why you have the power and the authority to speak to Satan.

He shall take off his hands of your property, your heritage, your time, your health, your wealth, your family and your belongings.
Proverbs 13:22

Satan is only a creation. My children and I can wipe him off any time and so can you, because My Holy Spirit lives inside of you.
John 14:26
Luke 10:18

You have no reason to fear. I Am with you and I will never leave you or forsake you. Why do you think that I will leave or forsake you?
Isaiah 41:10
Deuteronomy 31:6-8

Come to Me, all who are tired and have heavy burdens for I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

Rest in Me, dwell in Me and in My shalom.
Hebrew 4:11

I have already send My angel armies to the Earth to assist you.

You are never alone even if you feel that you are. Remember My Beloved to use your faith.

Your faith that moves mountains, your faith that makes you walk on the waters. Your faith that pleases Me.
Hebrew 11:6

You are also in My army. Hold the line! Do not give in! Do not give up! Giving up is not an option! You stay right there with the firm footed stability in My word.
Ephesians 6

You are more than a conqueror. I have made you victorious! What does it mean?
It means that you have already won with Me!
Romans 8:37

Exodus 14
Joshua 6:1-20
Revelation 18:1-21
Daniel 2:21
Psalm 2:8
Proverbs 6:31
Matthew 28:18-20
Ephesians 1:21
Proverbs 6:31
John 8:44
Proverbs 13:22
John 14:26
Luke 10:18
Isaiah 41:10
Prophetic word, Jesus, changing the guards, strongholds, babylon,

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