Biden: The 2024 Election Is In Full Swing And Yes, Age Is An Issue… I'm Running Against A 6-Year-Old

8 months ago

Twitter/X's Reaction to Biden's 'Not a Joke' Dig at Trump Gives Me Hope for the 2024 Election: Every day I sit down at my desk to write about this crazy world we live in and I still find myself shaking my head at the audacity of Joe Biden. I get it, his actual boss making all of the actual decisions for this joke of an administration once wrote a book about 'audacity,' but that doesn't mean he has to keep making himself an example of how STUPID that is. Between the straight-up lies he told Howard Stern (who did not correct him, what a hack), his aides walking with him so he doesn't shuffle, and his attempts at owning Trump on social media, this guy is a flaming dumpster-fire of a nightmare and is only getting worse. He is clueless about how unfunny and unlikable he really is and the media is happy to oblige him this ignorance as evident by their reaction to this clip at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. Joe calling ANYONE ELSE a six-year-old is laughable at best. -- President Biden: “The 2024 election is in full swing and yes, age is an issue. I'm a grown man running against a six-year-old.”

Ugh, his War Room is probably run by some green-haired intern who thinks they're a walrus and spend their days writing hate poetry about Israel while harassing their local grocery store for not forcing people to mask up anymore. You think I'm kidding, I am not. Have you seen his administration? Yikes. Then the Biden account (likely Karine Jean-Pierre or some other purple hair intern who thinks they're a unicorn) chimed in as well: Joe Biden @JoeBiden: “Not a joke.” -- Yeah, Joe. You are a joke. And sadly, not an entertaining or funny one. Hey, don't take my word for it, ask Twitter: Patty Girl MAGA X’d 🇺🇸☘️ @PerspicaciousXY: “You’re a communist running against a Patriot.” -- AG 🔥 @Yolo304741: “You’re a joke. The biggest joke this world has seen.” -- Bradley Brewer 🇺🇸 @realBradBrewer: “Joe, it’s not fair that your family is doing this to you. You should be home resting, not *trying* to run a country.” -- But then Jill couldn't go to these fancy dinners in a fancy limousine and eat fancy food with fancy people.

Fred @Grand_handsomer: “It actually is a joke though” -- Let's not pretend Joe or anyone who works with/for his administration would know an actual joke even if one fell out of the sky, landed on their faces, and started to wiggle.

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