S3 Ep 74 Russell Brand and Donald Trump Exemplify the Christian Falling Away

9 months ago

Hus, Tyndale, Wycliffe, Luther, and countless thousands of others are rolling over in their graves seeing what the world calls "Evangelicals" and "Protestant" Christianity today swooning over right wing commentators and personalities entering into the Catholic Church. The doctrine of Christ's fully accomplished and completed work for which thousands have paid with their lives to defend has been cast aside for the Christian virtue signaling of embracing all things Catholic and Orthodox (as they still condemn you in their doctrines).

While that falling away is occurring, much of Evangelical Christianity has tossed aside any semblance of values or consistency to embrace Donald Trump.

I've been mocked, scorned, and even banned on right wing sites for merely quoting (QUOTING, mind you) the doctrines of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches or statements by Donald Trump.

We could be seeing the end times apostacy (or apostasy, your choice) forming. Evil on the Left. Evil on the Right. And the work of Christ and his preeminence thrust aside as men seek power and glory and honor.

CORRECTION: I said Septuagint when I meant the Apocrypha.

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