Guess who is an ACTOR playing his Role for the NWO

9 months ago

Don’t worry Trump Lovers, they will put him back in to the run the Great American Deception.

I can’t believe I actually fell hook, line and sinker for this guy back in 2016.

In his first 3 years he played the GOOD guy Role and then in year 4 when he began saying these kinds of things, I began to question and started digging deeper on my hero:

"I pushed the FDA like nobody else to get you those beautiful vaccines, Fauci said it would take years, I pushed them like they've never been pushed before" Trump is not what people believe. I have so many exposure videos and have been completely censored here on Bitchute and now the exact same on Rumble. This is an indication they are going to put him back in.

Presidents have NO power, they ALL play the Puppet role and Trump is the snake of all snakes and people have yet to wake up to this fact.

He is blood related to the Clintons, he grew up in the swamp (we are the swamp to him), name one good person Trump is friends with, his Pastor is a 33rd degree freemason (the church didn't even allow masons to be in 150 years ago) as their God is Lucifer, Trump has Pagan Gods painted in his penthouse, he is a fake Christian, his daughter is a Jew and Global Young Leader (if people know what this means, they know with certainty Trump is with them, definitely not with the people), Trump calls himself "The Father of Vaccines."

You would think you would be censored for exposing Biden and not Trump.

They all are bad and not one president is going to be able to do anything, even if they were good.

All that white hat military crap, is just that -- the miliary is one of the 3 main pillars of the cabal, they are totally controlled as are all the other militaries of the world, London City is the banking and Rome is the Religion and accounting.

The world is run by a Satanic Cult who get their orders from a tangible satan and there are quadrant regions in the USA who run the politicians, give the orders of what legislation to write and they are decades ahead of the game.

All that we caught them all, we got them all, I will put her in jail is all jibber jabbish. Once you know how the Luciferian system works with our politicians you can see the plan, but I would say less than 1% can see this yet and most can't imagine that Satan is real.

The New Age plans -- Satan begin setting it up in the 1700's to prepare with chaotic acts that will deceive almost everyone. We are in that great deception by the great architect right now.

But they will put Trump in and use him again and likely some of his family in the future. That said: people are slowly waking up and realizing Trump is completely full of sh*t.

Watch out for Project 25 -- Christian Nationalism, a long time plan of Satan's -- all part of the Great Deception.

Donald Trump – Vaccine Comments and Quotes – The Self-Proclaimed Father of Vaccines

“I guess in a certain way, I’m the FATHER of the Vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle. Fauci said it would take 3 to 5 years. I pushed the FDA like they have never been pushed before. It’s a great vaccine, it’s a safe vaccine, it’s something that works” —
Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

"I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August
21st, 2021

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5
years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone
remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that
don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." —
Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021

"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that
also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that
works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021

"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is
really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J
Trump, March 9th 2021

"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews.
Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump,
December 17th 2020

"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson &
Johnson. I think that frightened a lot of people. That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021

"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there, everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021

"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, you've probably taken it.
But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the
Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J
Trump, August 18th 2021

Trump told Candace Owens: "It was one of the greatest achievements, we did it in less than 9 months, the vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind." “The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. But it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you’re protected.” December 2021.

Trump is the Snake in the poem he enjoys reading. Revelations 12:9 – The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. Trump is like the Ancient Serpent – he is the ultimate Deceiver.

Jared Kushner’s entire family and Trump’s daughter is Chabad. Chabad HATES Christians and Non-Gentiles, they think of them as Goyim and believe they should be enslaved. The first person that Trump should of pardoned was Julian Assange as it was his information that Trump ran against Hillary. All that “Lock her up” bullshit. He didn’t do a damn thing or hardly say anything after the election. Who is one that he did pardon? Rabbi Sholom Rubashkin, a G-ew who owns a meat processing plant – Agriprocessors in Iowa that has $300 million annual income. The guy is all about pleasing his very wealthy friends and screwing people like Julian Assange, the most Anti-Cabal person I can think of.

The criminal Rabbi Sholom Rubashkin still had 19 years left in his sentence. His company was affiliated with rape, sexual abuse, animal abuse and all kinds of fraud.

The man who actually persuaded Trump to pardon Sholom Rubashkin was none other than one of Trump’s lawyers, Alan Dershowitz - the very person who got caught plagiarizing and then got away with it.

The person who was around Epstein frequently (as was Trump, 26 times on the Lolita Express).

Dershowitz—get this—brought up the issue of “anti-Semitism” in Rubashkin’s case. There is NO such thing as America first with Trump, it is Israel first. He is a puppet traitor just like Bush’s, Clintons, Obama’s and Biden’s.

Christian Zionists – the churches who have been 100% infiltrated are acting as an arm of the propaganda machine pumping Trump up. Trump’s pastor Peale is a 33rd Satan Worshiping FAKE Christian.

Then they have Alex Jones – who flat out admitted he comes from a family that is high level Illuminati, say that Trump did such a great job. Alex is another one who has most fooled. They have these people do their truth disclosure for them as they believe they must tell us what is happening to avoid bad karma and then they use the same people as a tool for their narrative, in this case to make it appear Trump was the greatest president ever.

Other alternative sleepers are Tucker Carlson (in the CIA or not, we know he wanted to be), and that idiot Russell Brand (who kissed Yuval Noah Harari, Schwabs best bud) many, many more, it is usually the ones who have 100,000 or more followers.

Bottom Line: Biden, Trump, Clinton’s, Obama’s and Bush’s – they all serve the same master but they play different roles to keep the Grand Illusion going strong.

They want America divided to about 50% Dem and 50% Repub, and no Third Parties.

When the pulse of America begins favoring one side, they will have one of their puppets play a Good Guy Role to get that 50/50 balance back in check.

If you haven’t seen, they change their acts with sitting presidents all the time. Sometimes they act sane and clear and do things that make sense and then sometimes they go ape sh*t – like Trump did in his last year signing all those EO’s and pushing jabs and how Biden did for his first 3 years allowing all hell to break loose and destroying American Energy and Infrastructure.

It’s all an Act.

Are you Enjoying the Sh*t Show?

SOURCE: billjones --


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END. 5/07/2024 – 6:00 PM

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