What William Marks Really Said About Joseph Smith and Polygamy

10 months ago

William Marks is one of the “whatabouts” people use to avoid confronting the evidence of Joseph Smith’s monogamy. They claim William Marks said Joseph practiced polygamy but regretted it later. In this video, I take a look at the entire Marks quote and show why they’re wrong.

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- Biography of William Marks: https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/person/william-marks?highlight=william%20marks
- Marks’ original quote: https://archive.org/details/ZionsHarbingerAndBaneemysOrgan18491855/page/n155/mode/2up
- Marks’ second quote: https://www.latterdaytruth.org/pdf/100137.pdf (page 21 of the PDF)
- Edmund Briggs’ interview with Marks: https://www.latterdaytruth.org/pdf/100217.pdf (page 363 of the PDF)
- Response the quote on JosephSmith’sPolygamy: https://josephsmithspolygamy.org/history/polygamy-causes-martyrdom/#back_ajs-fn-id_20-6254
- Response to the quote on FAIRLDS: https://www.fairlatterdaysaints.org/answers/Joseph_Smith/Polygamy/William_Marks_claimed_Joseph_intended_to_abandon_plural_marriage

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