HBOT in covid 19 longhaulers &vaccine injury

10 months ago

• The therapeutic principle of HBOT is a drastically increased partial pressure of oxygen in the tissues of the body.At 3 times atmospheric pressure sufficient oxygen is dissolved in plasma to meet basal metabolic requirements ,in the absence of hemoglobin This mechanism of oxygen transport independent of chemical binding is the physiologic basis of Rx
• O2 used in 5,769+ cellular processes HBOT activates 8,101 Genes! Down Regulates Inflammation Processes Up Regulates Growth & Repair Processes Normobaric O2 does not! Simple: Lack of oxygen is bad
It works by Acutely stopping swelling/reperfusion injury Restarts stunned cellular metabolism Regrows Blood Vessels Activates Stem Cells 8x Normal

In covid long haulers & vaccine injuries hbot is likely treating inflammation component & surprisingly it’s the increase pressure and not dissolved oxygen concentration which appears to help

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