Unlock Intuition | Sense Energy & Know people's Intentions

4 months ago

Once you raise your consciousness, you unlock immense intuitive abilities that help you way more than you can imagine.

Let's say some traumatic event happened in your life, and when you look back you realize that after this person came in, everything started to crumble. And if you really notice, your gut feeling told you that there was something off about this person, but you didn't really listen. Only when things went bad, do you look back on it and realize your gut feeling was right.

You look back and feel immense shame and guilt over yourself, essentially blaming yourself for being a fool.

And this is what these energy vampires and psychopaths want you to feel. They want you to feel shameful, and guilty so that they can drain you from your high vibrational state.

Dragging you down to their lower vibration frequency and stealing your luck energy.

Energy vampires, sociopaths, narcissists, and psychopaths can do this so easily. Because they know how to be charismatic, and charming and tap into your emotions.

If you notice when you talk to these individuals, they never really say anything about them, but they ask you everything about your life.
They show an interest in everything that you do but they don't give off anything about them. This is the strategy they use and you really fall for it. You think they have your best interests in mind, but that's definitely not the case. And you do realize this once things go wrong.

So you can read all the best manipulation books, learn the techniques, and protect yourself against them........

But here's a better way!

You can tap into your intuition and know their motives without them even opening their mouth. By combining your logical mind and your intuitive mind, you can reach this state of higher consciousness.

Through which , you can sense energy and vibrations from people and surroundings.

You unlock this power, only when you go through a process of introspection in a meditative state and raise your consciousness.

Once you unlock your intuition, you can see right through people.

You can sense their energy and vibration and also you can sense the energies of places around you.

You are more powerful than you think!

Raise your consciousness now and watch your life transform.

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