The CCP can reproduce the fentanyl crisis happening in the U.S. worldwide

22 days ago

4/26/2024 [Anna on the John Fredericks Show] Anna: The CCP can reproduce the fentanyl crisis happening in the U.S. in other countries around the world. Chinatowns, Chinese restaurants, and so-called organizations working with the CCP to connect with the West are the most important channels for the CCP to distribute drugs like fentanyl worldwide.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #fentanyl
4/26/2024【安娜做客 the John Fredericks Show节目】安娜:中共可以复制美国的芬太尼危机到世界上所有的国家。各国的唐人街、中餐馆以及所谓与中共合作连接西方的组织是中共分销芬太尼等毒品的重要渠道。
#中共 #消灭中共 #芬太尼

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