Joy's Daily Dance - April 29, 2024

10 months ago

Blast from the past with some pseudo 70s music – disco balls and – well, let’s not go there. I remember wearing really awesome red polyester bell-bottom pants with a matching vest and thinking how cool I was, right up until the moment my bell bottoms got caught in the chain of my bicycle. Then I wasn’t too cool at all. Ah, nostalgia. JoyFolle, here, sending absolutely groovy vibes to one and all!

In a world of disasters, extremism, and disgruntlement, Joy's Daily Dance is a brief interlude of silliness, trying to add some levity to your day. It's only about a minute long, and it might just make you smile. So, enjoy the video, have a wonderful day, don’t be afraid to laugh, and know that I’m cheering for you.
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