Doctor Mocker - We Are All So Totally Fucked (re: Shoe0nHead)

2 months ago

Uhm here is a video my friend made a few months ago.
I posted it on the MePipe but I thot I would post it here too just to see if anyone wanted to listen to it here instead.
If you like it I there is a TON more songs, I built my dood a website at go check it out.
He is also on Soundcloud and Bandcamp, just zearch Doctor Mocker you'll find him.
All the music is free I just have permission to post everything so I do because I really like it!

Hope you do too,

Lumpy :)

P.S. Wayward, if you think you are s'funny n set yr dingle overhere too I swear I will find u n znatch yr fuckin face off!

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