Ezekiel chapters 1 thru 3 - A Pulse On Prophecy

10 months ago

In Ezekiel chapters 1 through 3, the prophet Ezekiel receives a powerful vision from God while he is among the exiles by the Kebar River in Babylon. In this vision, Ezekiel sees a whirlwind coming from the north, accompanied by a great cloud with fire flashing forth and a bright light surrounding it. Within the cloud, there are four living creatures, each with four faces: those of a human, a lion, an ox, and an eagle. These creatures have four wings and move with incredible speed, powered by wheels beside them.

Above the living creatures, Ezekiel sees a throne resembling sapphire, with a figure sitting on it that looks like a man, radiating glory and brightness. Surrounding this throne is a rainbow, and the glory of the Lord is so overwhelming that Ezekiel falls to his face in awe.

God speaks to Ezekiel, commissioning him as a prophet to the rebellious house of Israel. He gives Ezekiel a scroll with words of lamentation, mourning, and woe written on both sides, symbolizing the severity of the judgment that is to come upon Israel because of their sins.

Despite the challenging nature of his mission, God assures Ezekiel that he will be strengthened and empowered by His Spirit to fulfill his calling. Ezekiel is warned that the people of Israel may not listen to him, but he is nevertheless commanded to faithfully deliver God's message of warning and repentance to them.

Much of chapters 1 through 3 foreshadow their fulfillment later on in the book of Revelation and we will be sure to cover the book of Revelation in full after this book.

In chapter 3, Ezekiel is instructed to eat the scroll given to him by God, symbolizing his internalization and digestion of God's words. As Ezekiel consumes the scroll, he experiences a sweet taste, indicating the goodness of God's message, but it also becomes a burden to him, signifying the weight of the responsibility placed upon him as a prophet.

God appoints Ezekiel as a watchman for Israel, responsible for warning the people of impending judgment and holding them accountable for their actions. Despite the resistance and rejection Ezekiel may face, he is called to faithfully proclaim God's message, whether the people listen or refuse to listen.

Ezekiel chapters 1 through 3 set the stage for Ezekiel's prophetic ministry, establishing him as a faithful messenger of God's word and emphasizing the seriousness of Israel's sin and the impending judgment that will come upon them if they do not repent.

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