CIA, Mafia, & Cuban Agents KiIIed JFK

8 months ago

What if a team of assassins from various backgrounds planned a multi-stage attack on JFK?

The assassination would have to be meticulously planned and executed by a network of individuals with diverse affiliations, including organized crime, intelligence agencies, and extremist groups.

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy involved multiple shooters, including mafia assassins, Cuban snipers, and former CIA operatives involved in a coordinated effort to kill the president. This challenges the official narrative of a lone gunman, proposing a more intricate plot involving multiple actors and motives.

We can now see how the removal of JFK's secret service protection opened the president up to a field of fire from almost any direction.

This provides the perfect opportunity for eight separate snipers to fire 16 shots in four separate stages to make certain they kill the president;

STAGE 1: One Bullet Story
Charles Nicoletti (mafia assassin) aims for the back of JFK's head from the Dal-Tex Building but misses.

STAGE 2: Plan B (from the front)
Firing two shots simultaneously, Charles Harrelson (hitman & Woody Harrelson's dad) shot JFK in the throat from the grassy knoll, & another gunman shot through the windshield from a nearby culvert off the I-35E overpass behind Martyrs Park.

STAGE 3: Fusilade (from the back)
In coordination with stage two, five assassins also fire at the car simultaneously like a "jet sonic boom" hitting Governor Connally in his ribs, wrist, and thigh and JFK in his throat and back.

Shots fired typically from teams of 3- a sniper next to a radio man alongside a second marksman who could take over should the first shooter to back out at the last moment:
*Texas School Book Depository: Frank Sturgis (fomer CIA & mafia assassin) and Ignacio Novo Sampol (Cuban sniper)
*Dallas County Courthouse: Harry Weatherford (Dallas Deputy Sheriff & mafia spy) and Eladio del Valle (Cuba's best sniper)
*Dallas County Courthouse: Felix Anthony “Milwaukee Phil” Alderisio (hitman), Rolando Masferrer (Cuban sniper) and Rolando Otero (Cuban sniper)
*Dallas County Courthouse: Malcolm Wallace (hitman)
*Grassy Knoll: Richard Kane (Chicago Police & mafia spy), Charles Harrison (hitman & Woody Harrelson's dad), Charles Rogers (sniper)

STAGE 4: Fatal Headshot
Storm Drain: Curtis Laverne Crayford (former CIA) is with Jack Allen Lawrence (mafia assassin) who fires the fatal JFK shot from a storm drain under the grassy knoll, hitting JFK in the from right temple, blowing out the back of his head.

Lee Harvey Oswald was not involved, but George H.W. Bush was! #ZapataOil #followthemoney

*Organized Crime: There's a whisper of Mafia involvement, possibly due to actions taken against them by the Kennedy administration (RFK).
*Carlos Marcello, Italian mafia chief
*Jack Ruby, Italian mafia night club owner
*Joseph Civello, head of Dallas Mafia

*Anti-Castro Cubans: The theory mentions anti-Castro groups in Cuba, who might have felt JFK wasn't taking a strong enough stance, including the Bay of Pigs invasion.

*Federal Reserve: JFK's purported intention to challenge the influence of the Federal Reserve and powerful banking interests by reintroducing silver-backed currency (greenbacks) could have threatened the financial establishment. This move might have been perceived as a direct threat to the interests of powerful banking and financial elites. Executive order 11110 was signed by JFK in 1963, allowing the U.S. Treasury to issue silver certificates rather than the Federal Reserve, which is neither federal nor has any reserves- the Federal Reserve, and all central banks, are owned by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland.

*Dissatisfaction with JFK's Policies: Theories suggest some groups may have been unhappy with JFK's foreign or domestic policies and saw him as an obstacle.
*Harold Lafayette Hunt, oil tycoon

*Desire for War and Profit: Some perspectives suggest that certain factions within the military-industrial complex and intelligence agencies might have seen JFK as an obstacle to their desire for war and profit. By advocating for peace and diplomacy, JFK's policies might have threatened the lucrative military contracts and operations of these groups.
*Brown Brothers Harriman, investment bank
*John McCloud, Chase manhattan CEO and known Nazi member
*Sen. John Connolly (TX-d)
*Sen. Joseph Yarbrough (TX-d)
*Cliff Carter, political advisor and aide to LBJ

*Personal Vendettas and Power Struggles: JFK's personal relationships, political rivalries, and perceived vulnerabilities, including his alleged affairs and health issues, might have made him a target for individuals with personal vendettas or those seeking to advance their own agendas within the government and intelligence community.
*Earle Cabell, Dallas Mayor (Earle's brother Charles Cabell was fired at the CIA)
*Richard Nixon
*Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ)
*George H.W. Bush

*Government Cover-Up: There might have been a coordinated effort by various government agencies (CIA & FBI) and individuals (LBJ, Hoover & Bush Sr.) to conceal the true nature of the assassination.
*FBI: J. Edgar Hoover stood to lose millions invested in an oil business if Kennedy lived. Hoover, as the long-time director of the FBI, could have been involved in the broader conspiracy to eliminate JFK due to his alleged involvement in various clandestine activities and his desire to maintain power and control within the intelligence community. Hoover's personal vendettas, including his reported dislike of JFK, his fear of losing his position as FBI director, and his extensive surveillance operations on political figures, might have contributed to his involvement or knowledge of the plot.

FULL DOCUMENTARY: Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick
FYI, this clip starts at 1:38:48

#JFKAssassination #conspiracy #LeeHarveyOswaldWasaPatsy

The Talking Hedge
CIA, Mafia, & Cuban Agents KiIIed JFK

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