Wake Up Asia 3 with Dr Charles Hoffe

1 month ago

Dr Charles Hoffe is a
Family Doctor from British Columbia, Canada
Medical graduate from South Africa
Worked in General Medicine and Emergency Medicine in South Africa, the UK and Canada since 1988
Fervent advocate for patient safety, medical ethics & Hippocratic oath
Fired from ER physician job of 30yrs for telling ER nurse that a person with natural immunity did not need vaccination
Efforts to report vaccine injuries denied & censored by medical authorities
Performed d-dimer tests in patients before & after, finding 53% developed evidence of clotting, despite having no symptoms of vaccine injury
Awaiting trial by College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC, for drawing attention to vaccine injuries, evidence of micro clotting, and encouraging use of ivermectin to treat/prevent Covid as alternative to vaccine.

Wake Up Asia 3 is our annual event to share the updates of what is happening in Asia and around the world. This is the third year since 2022.

We thank the Asian Coalition of Health in organising this event togehter.

To watch the full video for this event, go to:

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