APRIL-25-2024 Phoenician Child Sacrifice

10 months ago

Visit and Join Steven's Telegram group


Group Name: OccupyTheGetty/Steven D Kelley



Truth Cat Radio, is 100% listener supported, please give if you like Steven's content and would like to have it keep broadcasting.

At PayPal enter to: stevenkelley714@yahoo.com - Please give a gift as from a friend or family to support Truth Cat Radio.

Live Thursday Night Show is at: - https://www.truthcatradio.com/

Worldwide, you can listen to Steven D Kelley, on Truth Cat Radio, 'LIVE', every Thursday Night, at 9:00 pm ET, 8:00 pm CT, 7:00 pm MT, 6:00 pm PT. It plays there on a loop that week.

Steven's EMAIL for correspondence is: law17gun@aol.com - To request the book PDF, healing request, Jedi request, or questions. But, NOT for PayPal.

You can upload Steven's book for free, in the file section, at his Telegram channel, or request by email. There is also a video audio-book, reading of Steven's book on YouTube, at "Lasers, Cavers, and Magic. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E78-ZL9Ik1Y&ab_channel=Lasers%2CCavers%26Magic

Steven's X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/StevenKelley24

Soon again at: https://twitter.com/1Stevendkelley


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