And they shall call His name Emmanuel—which, when translated, means, God with us.

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1 month ago

Matthew 1:23 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition.

God is part of our spiritual DNA. He literally is our Father, in terms of He created the earth and everything in it, but He also is the literal Father of our spirit. He purchased us from bondage of the devil, with the blood of Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God. He suffered to remove the burden of sin from the world. The devil is like a gnat, annoying but harmless. The only tactic of the devil is to trick you into believing you don't already have the blood covenant with Almighty God, the covenant that has already healed us of all that we suffer from. He makes you want what you already have. This is Prophetic, and was spoken by God through at least 2 prophets this past week, Julie Green and Emmanuel Johnson. This is what kept the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years, this is what the serpent did to Adam and Eve in the garden, they were deceived into thinking they did not already have knowledge for which God had already provided. We already have healing... I received my healing in May 2023. By December of 2023, I was deceived into a lie and gave up my healing, until God gave me wisdom and revelations about how I allowed the devil to trick me.

If you ever start to feel the evil creep in, immediately tell the devil that he was caught , and when the devil is caught, he must flee. Pray the Lord's Prayer. Tell the devil you have on your Whole Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10), and that Emmanuel is with you, lives inside you, and that evil cannot exist where God is, PERIOD). Laugh at him when you catch him. I often will talk smack out loud to the devil. He has no power over you at all until you get deceived. You have to be sober of mind at all times when we are at WAR, and we are. But our battle isn't with flesh and blood, but with the wicked forces of the spiritual realms. When the devil brings a battle against you, you "W (worship). A (and). R (resist). and when you W.A.R., the Wicked Are Restricted, (God through Julie Green)".

Most importantly for today, Walk in Love. For it is written, that no-one can truly love Thy God, if they do not love thy brother in Christ. Beware, for hatred, anger and lust are powerful deceits of the devil, but if you walk in love and W.A.R., the fiery darts of the enemy are quenched immediately by your guardian angels who act as a shield of your faith, and are activated immediately when God's Word is returned to Him. Read Ephesians 6 every day, and get it down in your heart, and remember Isaiah 54:17
But no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This [peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord [those in whom the ideal Servant of the Lord is reproduced]; this is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtain from Me [this is that which I impart to them as their justification], says the Lord.

God Wins!

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