The Beginning of A Wider Collapse in Ukraine

10 months ago

The US $ 60 Billion aid package was supposed to be a morale-booster to Ukraine. Although all of the money is being sent to American industry or troops, at least 14 billion, at some point, is supposed to assist Ukraine on the front line when weapons are built by US industry. The announcement not the aid however, was supposed to solve, what Sir Richard Barron described as the possible collapse due to a lack of will to fight. IN other words, the US made the package seem far more beneficial than it actually is to try to boost flagging morale for Ukraine. It seems ot me that the US knows that sending more money to Ukraine would not only be wasteful, but would be playing into Russia's hands of deepening America's financial crisis and losing the attrition war to Russia if they run out of money. But just about a week later, we see a manor collapse of a Ukrainian defensive line around an important logistical town of Ocheretyne in Donetsk a few miles west of Avdiivka. Apparently, the 47th Mechanised brigade, who has been fighting non stop for a year and was considered Ukraine's most elite brigade, was finally being rotated out for some rest. Initial reports say that they were to be replaced by the 115th mechanised brigade but during that exchange, the Russians pressed an attack and found no one there to defend the tranches after the 47th brigade had left. this gave the Russians free reign to advance into Ocheretyne and create a bulge in the Ukrainian defences extending at least 5 miles. The 47th brigade then turned around and attempted to stall the breach but the Russians also sent in reserves to widen it. Now the situation has become desperate for Ukraine with a high risk that they may have to retreat giving up a large chunk of land to the Russians. But an unplanned retreat like this could spell disaster and trigger a chain reaction and collapse the entire front.

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