Nuremberg Trials: Periscope Film (1947) Nazi War Crimes & Trials ⚠️ DISTURBING MEDIA

2 months ago

26322: This film about the trials of Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg was made by the Office of Military Government for Germany in 1947. Footage received through an operation under the OSS Field Photographic Unit headed by John Ford. Budd Schulberg wrote and directed this film. It was made available for television in the 1950’s by the Department of the Army (:13).

Decimated Germany, 1945 (:23).

Citizens climb out of hideaways (1:01)

as a man plays a violin in rotting streets (1:21).

The film turns to November 21, 1945 and to the Palace of Justice in Nuremburg (2:06).

The Chief American Prosecutor, Robert H. Jackson, (3:20) makes his opening statement.
Nazi war criminals (4:56)
include Hans Frank (5:38),
Joachim Von Ribbentrop (5:44),
Wilhelm Frick (5:50),
Albert Speer (6:00), Rudolph Hess (6:04)
and Walter Funk (6:14).

Civilians scrape the lids and bottoms of trash cans for food (7:59).

Ernst Kaltenbrunner appears at (8:38).

Scenes follow from Munich in the 1920’s as the Nazi party emerged (9:09).

Hitler among his followers (9:22).

Joseph Goebbels; chief propogandist of the Nazi party (9:39) (9:49).

The Reichstag Fire, Feb. 27th, 1933 (11:09).

Germany pulled out of the League of Nations (12:47). General Werner von Blonberg announces compulsory military service (13:40).

In 1936, Nazi soldiers moved into the Rhineland (14:16).

One of the Nuremburg rallies is seen in Nov. of 1937 (16:00).

The Hossbach Memorandum; written by Colonel Friedrich Hossbach, set the stage for Nazi expansion (16:19).

General Franz von Papen engineered a meeting between the Austrian Chancellor, Kurt Schushnigg, Hitler (16:58), Austrian Foreign Minister;

Guido Schmidt and Wilhelm Keitel. Schmidt takes the stand (17:13).

Schushnigg demanded a plebiscite while Goering demanded it be cancelled (18:09).
Schushnigg resigned and Arthur Seyss-Inquart replaced him (18:30).

Transcripts follow of a call between Goering in Berlin and Keppler of the German Embassy in Vienna (18:39).

Hitler plotted in invade Czechoslovakia (20:10)

as Alfred Jodl (30:24) sought to fix an incident which would prompt the invasion.

The Munich Pact was signed on September 30th, 1938 (21:12).

The Czechoslovakian President, Edvard Benes (21:212) follows.

Sir Hartley Shawcross, the lead British prosecutor (23:24).

Stalin is seen at (24:21) as Germany signed a non-aggression pact with Russia on August 23rd, 1939.

Pope Pius XI (24:33) and FDR (24:37) made pleas for Germany not to invade while Hitler
made a speech mocking FDR’s plea for peace (24:43).

In September of 1939, Germans invaded Poland (25:35).

Bombs fall from Luftwaffe aircraft (25:55).

Hitler made assertions he would not invade neutral nations (27:00),

then on April 9th, 1940 Germany invaded Denmark (27:33).

German paratroopers drop over Norway (28:02).

Bombs fall from Luftwaffe planes over Belgium, Poland and Luxembourg in May of 1940 (28:47).

Yugoslavia was invaded on April 6th, 1941 (28:45).

Germany, Japan and Italy formed the Axis powers in September of 1940 (31:07).

In June of 1941, Nazi’s moved into Soviet territory (31:59).

The Luftwaffe began an advance on Britain (32:30).

Pearl Harbor was hit by Japan on Dec.7th, 1941 (33:40).

The Chief Prosecutor for the USSR was Gen. Roman Rudenko (34:00).

Gestapo officers are filmed while searching POWS (35:29).

Soviet prisoners are marched to their death (36:04).

Nazi Governor of Poland; Hans Frank is seen (38:20)
just prior to scenes of the ‘liquidation of the Poles’ (38:26).

The Catacombe Di San Callisto caves in Italy (39:24)
were the site of mass murder (34:44).

Nazi troops leveled Lidice to the ground (40:33).

Rudolph Hess is seen on trial (41:16).

Auschwitz (41:19).

Patients used for medical experiments (42:21).

Monsieur Francis de Menthon, Chief Prosecutor of the French Republic (43:14).

Friz Sauckel (43:36) was in charge of the slave labor program (43:46).

Frick (45:03) defends a program aimed at aged, insane and incurable Germans (45:13).

The anti-Jew propaganda and liquidation follows (46:01).

SS Brigadier Jurgen Stoop oversaw the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943 (47:11).

A young Jewish girl exposes the tattoo on her wrist identifying her as Jewish (48:49).

Gold teeth fillings collected from dead bodies (49:34).

The defense begins including Alfred Rosenberg (53:50),

Erich Raeder (54:35),

Alfred Jodl (54:44),

Joachim von Ribbentrop (55:56) and Albert Speer (57:44).

Defendants make statements to the tribunal (58:42).

The Lord Justice Lawrence of Great Britain is seen (1:08:37)

as well as Major General Niki Chenco of the USSR (1:08:43).

The verdict was delivered on October 1st, 1946 (1:08:51).

Produced by the U.S. Documentary Film Unit (1:15:01).

This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit

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