Quantum Jumping: Shaping Your World How to switch realities. Part 1: Introduction to Micro.

2 months ago

Quantum jumping, also known as quantum leaps or state collapses, is a concept in quantum physics that describes the sudden transition of a particle from one state to another without passing through the intermediate states. To understand it in simpler terms, let's imagine you're playing a video game.

In the game, your character can be in different locations or have different abilities. When you want your character to move from one place to another instantly, you might press a special button that allows them to teleport. This teleportation skips all the steps and obstacles in between, taking your character directly to the desired location
In a similar way, quantum jumping works for subatomic particles, which are the tiny building blocks of everything in the universe. These particles, like electrons, can exist in multiple states or locations at the same time, a phenomenon called superposition. It's as if they're simultaneously in many places or doing many things all at once.

But when we try to observe or measure these particles, something strange happens. The particle instantly "jumps" or "collapses" into just one specific state or location. It's like your video game character choosing one spot to be in, without going through the in-between steps.

This sudden change from multiple possibilities to a single one is what we call a quantum jump. It happens in an instant, with no gradual transition. It's as if the particle knows we're watching and decides to pick a particular state or location
Until we observe or measure them, particles can exist in many potential states or locations. But as soon as we interact with them, they jump into just one state, seemingly skipping all the other possibilities.

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Until we observe or measure them, particles can exist in many potential states or locations. But as soon as we interact with them, they jump into just one state, seemingly skipping all the other possibilities.

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