The Arctic Tern: Close Up HD Footage (Sterna paradisaea)

5 months ago

The Arctic Tern, or Sterna paradisaea, is a remarkable bird known for its incredible migratory journey. It holds the record for the longest migration of any animal, covering about 71,000 kilometers annually. This journey stretches from its breeding areas in the northern Arctic and sub-Arctic to the Antarctic shores for wintering, allowing it to enjoy more daylight hours than any other being on the planet. The Arctic Tern is medium in size, recognizable by its black-capped head, white body, and greyish wings. Its diet mainly consists of fish and small sea creatures, which it catches by skillfully diving into the water. These birds can live for up to 30 years and usually breed on sandy coastal areas, where they lay between one and three eggs. The Arctic Tern's ability to thrive in varied climates and its epic migratory pattern are truly impressive.

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