illegal mines

11 months ago

अवैध खनन में पकड़ाई गाडी , तो भरना पड़ेगा चार लाख तक का जुर्माना

Discription : The government revenue is lost in crores every year due to the handiwork of people who illegally mined the sand of rivers in Bihar. In such a situation, on July 3, 2021, by the Bihar government, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has made a big amendment in the rules of illegal mining and added new rules in the cabinet meeting. Whose rules are very strict. According to this, along with collecting 25 times more fine and confiscating the vehicle, the police has also been given the right to nab the people involved in this illegal work. After stamping the amendment in the rules of Mineral Rules 2019, it has also come into force in the entire state from 6 July 2021.

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