Lets Play Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Winter Games DS (Blind) Part 9 (Kimimorraland: Gayverse Film)

8 months ago

How does it feel to be apart of the losers club when all you watch is nothing but nostalgia when it comes to western media that nobody cares about anymore.

But Cipher77 Nostalgia Mainstream media can be cool, right”
Me: Nega!! I’m not talking about old Nostalgia media, I’m talking about new western media of the same quality you bitch.

There’s more than Nostalgia Mainstream, that meets the eye like the Quality ones. But maybe this is what to expect that the Nostalgiatards would do everyday 24/7 ditching true western quality behind, and not only rewatch Nostalgia media 24/7 but also watch western nostalgia Story to win media that is has nothing interesting and Appealish Anime (Mid 2015-pres) when there’s not a lot of great quality in there (not much S Ranks Animes), way too milked Animes.

So here’s my thoughts on this movie, as well as we progress on heading on to Blitzland or I should call it Kimimorraland for shits and giggles.

Guest: Wusubaki (Wucy) Guy

This is meant for entertainment purposes only

Warning: Expect Lag in this LP

Note: This video was recorded on July 12th

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