Brother Paul (DOC) - The Wind - Live 2024 version

10 months ago

One of many songs I wrote before being born again. Once I came to Christ I learned that music was created for worship so I focused on writing worship and praise songs to glorify YHWH. This is not a worship song but it is a song about calling out evil and it foretells what will happen to the wicked if they refuse to repent.

You sit there watching the centuries pass
But you're just wasting your time
I haven't the time for pleasantries
Can you atone for your crimes?

Deep from the pit of the blackest hearts
You formulate your designs
Feelin' mighty, but headed for ruin
I tell you brothers I have seen the signs


I feel the wind as it blows
It's bringing tides of destruction my friends
Greed is a cancer that grows
I'm on my knees with a message to send

I'm all fed up with bureaucracies,
and all the lies that they spawn
Keep buying into their fantasies,
'til your reality's gone

I'd like to hang you by the scruff of your neck
Kick you around like a can
Then you'd be getting your just desserts
It's lucky for you I'm not a violent man

I feel the wind as it blows
How many deaths will it take 'til you learn?
Feel no remorse or sorrow
You'd better laugh now, 'cause the tide's gonna turn

(c)1999 - Brother Paul productions

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