Podcast 309 (What Are Some of Your Unknown Gaming Confessions?)

10 months ago

Our collective, vast gaming history is filled with many unknown triumphs, failures, discoveries, rewards and regrets. Join us as we confess several of these including some from our awesome longtime supporters!

Level 857 Video Game Podcast Ep-309: What Are Some Of Your Unknown Gaming Confessions?
00:00 - Intro
01:46 - Games Played Discussion - Mario vs Donkey Kong Remake, Stick Fight: The Game
14:18 - Al played Pepper Grinder, Blasphemous 2
17:01 - Choc played Street Fighter 6, Halo Infinite
22:58 - Turb & Stal played Unicorn Overlord
33:36 - Stikz played Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
41:22 - Indie Game of the Week Spotlight - Tunche
45:45 - Break: Free Game Giveaway Reminder
48:55 - A Golden Axe Animated Series Is Being Made by the Creator of Star Trek: Lower Decks
56:15 - Sony patents auto-play game feature which would allow AI to take the lead
1:08:30 - Fallout 4 jumps to No.1 across Europe following TV show launch
1:15:30 - Modders Use Leaked Source Code to Get GTA 5 Running on Switch
1:21:55 - Untold Stories & Gaming Confessions!

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