Medical students aren't being taught immunology, only consensus and propaganda!

10 months ago

Mike Adams: We've seen this weaponization of the biotech industry of the medical science establishment has been weaponized against humanity in a multitude of ways. We are living in a deliberate toxic stew. But then people are still signing up to take more jabs, swallow more pharmaceuticals, grow their food, and I apologize for using the term but they're growing their food in human shit because that's what biosludge is.
Dr Judy Mikovits: They are drinking it!
Mike Adams: And every city is dumping its raw sewage all over the farms. And people are just like, well, I trust the science!
Dr Judy Mikovits: Medical students aren't being taught immunology. They are being taught consensus and propaganda. There is no science in propaganda. There is no science. You don't need statistics. Gravity is gravity and viruses are viruses and I know how they work. I got Ebola, I had an outbreak recently, and I worked on these things. We can't get people to hear us if we're censored!
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 04/10/2024
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