Today’s most shocking official footage. 😱😱😱

8 months ago
About the photo:
On April 22nd, the U.S. Department of State published ( the 2023 Report on Human Rights Practices in Ukraine. The initial three paragraphs of the report focus on entirely fictitious human rights violations allegedly perpetrated by Russia. Evidently, these paragraphs were obligatory, likely intended to deter people from further reading. And most readers did, likely stopped right there. But the stubborn ones read on.
Starting with the fourth paragraph, things got “interesting.” It turns out that “There were ‘also’ significant human rights issues involving Ukrainian government officials … which included credible reports of: enforced disappearance; torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest or detention; serious problems with the independence of the judiciary; restrictions on freedom of expression, including for members of the media…” and much more.
That's quite "impressive" for a purportedly "democratic" country with aspirations to join NATO and the EU — aspirations fervently endorsed by the entire Western “democratic” establishment.
Not even two full days later, the United States has finalized (,critical%20security%20and%20defense%20needs) the $61 billion military aid package to Ukraine - the very same country implicated in the human rights abuses identified by the very same United States.
How can this be?
One possible, although unlikely answer is that different parts of the U.S. Government fail to communicate with each other. Make no mistake, such miscommunications do happen, but hardly in this case.
The more probable explanation is a display of power by the Deep State: “Look, Ukraine flouts every rule, tramples on every human right, and we, the Deep State, couldn't care less; we act on our terms, because we make the rules and we're backed by force!”
In fact, force is the only language they understand.
Russia is aware of it and is fully prepared to use righteous force against evil force.
Note: I am not the producer of this content. I only provide the content for your entertainment.
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