The Divine in a Terror-formed Sol-less Scarcity & True Abundance! (Part 1)

10 months ago

In this video, I describe the obvious facts that we are beings with "sparks" of the Original Divine Christ-fire or souls in human flesh-suits, yet we must "toil by the sweat of our brows" in financial chains - in perpetuity - while the Hellites keep progressing forward with their NWO Agenda 2030 plans.
Farmers in Belgium, Netherlands and Oregon amongst other places have been told they must "shut down and stop their operations" - because cow farts are destroying the environment, while these same 1% criminals invest millions of their own dollars and millions of our taxpayer dollars are committed to the massive, planetary geoengineering projects.
This video is a wake-up call to all that these projects must end, or they may continue to drag a lot more plants, animals and humans down the drain of oblivion as the dark ones are still attempting to pull us all in the black hole sun Abaddon with their massive weather weapon arsenal.
I contrast the SCARCITY of these DESPERATE control-freak attempts with the TRUE ABUNDANCE one can only experience when they realize we are REALLY all one, and perhaps, learn to greet folks like the Mayans, who say, "In Lakesh." (I am another you.)

Part II goes more into the mental attitude of true abundance which so sharply contrasts all of the scarcity mind control BS programming. Enjoy!

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