The Tipitaka Vinaya Pitaka - Sutta Vibhanga

5 months ago

The Tipitaka: “The Sutta Pitaka contains all the dhamma (teachings) of the Buddhist faith…divided into five collections (nikayas); the Digha Nikaya, the Majjhima Nikaya, the Samyutta Nikaya, the Anguttara Nikaya, an the Kuddaka Nikaya…”

The Tipitaka contains everything we know of the Buddha teachings. Tipitaka means three baskets and refers to the three main sections of the Pali Buddhist Canon, The Sutta Pitaka, Abhidhamma Pitaka and Vinyana Pitaka.

On Suttas. The fundamental building blocks of the Buddhas teaching are suttas, which are the equivalent of a sermon, homily, religious discourse, lecture, or dialogue….”

Sutta Vibhanga
“…we think of rules and regulations…Vinaya Pitaka is nothing…like commandments…instead the rules and regulations and their interpretations…like stories…first the story…stating the circumstance of the misdeed…secondly…the resulting rule…third….the Buddha’s pronouncement. Finally, a section…to identify other types of scenarios…”

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