Online Apologetics

1 month ago

Online Apologetics:
A Poem

A keen wit dulls from sharp words.
A corrosive venom bubbles to the surface.
Captive thoughts escape with blighted swords.
A human chalice spills poison with purpose.

Under the pretense of debate, an enemy is made.
A polite avenue to civility abruptly shorn.
The outstretched hand of camaraderie a loose facade.
Within the claim of apologetics, animus is born.

St. Spyridon pray for us with the terracotta in hand—
Fire, water, and clay as the Wonderworker’s conviction.
Restore the head to braying asses across the land—
Restore our mouths to simple prayers in repetition.

A brood of vipers and leather whips do not justify icon denigration.
Be humble; be patient; follow saintly examples with veneration.

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