Breakfast of Champions

14 days ago

Whether you are a health freak, a little plump, or just diet conscious; you must have heard the famous saying – ‘Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper’.

Here’s what it’s all about. Following a proper eating time schedule along with the type of foods you eat during the day can determine your physical health and mental wellbeing.

Studies suggest that our body requires energy to sustain throughout the day. And most importantly the timing along with what we eat is essential to maintain the flow of vitality. As highlighted, eating the right meal at the right time will do wonders for your health and help you lead a well-balanced life.

Health Benefits Of Eating On Time
-Our body works on a daily circadian rhythm which includes – metabolism of fats, cholesterol, and glucose flow.

-Observing the internal body clock to eat helps in proper digestion of the food hence improves our metabolism and ultimately curbs weight gain.

-Eating heavy dinner leads to gaining more calories and thus causing obesity.

-After fasting for 8 to 12 hours when we wake up, our body requires a high glucose level that helps to maintain our energy level throughout the day. Thus improving our productivity and reducing stress.

-The right meal at the right time is a great formula to prevent cardiac diseases as well as prevent type 2 Diabetes.

-Following our circadian rhythm breakfast provides all the nourishment we require to keep the rhythm intact.

-Late breakfast or skipping the most essential meal of the day leads to low blood sugar levels and ultimately erratic blood pressure thus leading to a plethora of diseases.

-It would take a longer time to react and decreased productivity due to crash diets.

"your first wealth is your health, invest wisely...or don't"
~Buddha Sadu Gains
Non ducor, duco


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