Endless Refrain - Forever Is A Long Word (Official Lyric Video)

13 days ago

Merchandise, CD's, Stream, http://EndlessRefrain.com

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Forever is a Long Word

forever for some is a day or a week
the day I met you no other would I seek
forever couldn’t come soon enough
you were more than a diamond in the rough

white, yellow, brown, pink
your colour didn’t matter
you were the gem I wanted
to have a lifeline to my heart

forever for me is a lifetime no matter what
a permanent move not just a temporary squat
so I need to know if your willing to
let the chisel of marriage shape you
or will the mirrored pressure break you

forever for some is a day or a week
since the day I met you no other have I sought
I can’t wait to see you light up when you see
what’s inside this little box that I bought

forever for some is a day or a week
since the day I met you no other have I sought
I can’t wait to see you light up when you see
what’s inside this little box

white, yellow, brown, pink
your colour doesn’t matter
you are the gem I want
to have a lifeline to my heart

forever for me is a lifetime no matter what
a permanent move not just a temporary squat
so I need to know if your willing to
let the chisel of marriage shape you
or will the mirrored pressure break you

I’m not just asking you to marry me
I’m asking you to be my wife
Getting married only takes minutes
Being married will be the rest of our lives

A lifetime of showing you sacrifice
whether we are eating surf and turf or just rice
a lifetime of sharing all we’ve been given
and thanking you for helping me stay driven

A lifetime of loving you
no matter your cut or clarity
I certify I’ll be by your side
in calm waters, high and low tide

white, yellow, brown, pink
your colour doesn’t matter
you are the gem I give
direct access to my heart
you are the gem I give
direct access to my heart

A lifetime of showing you sacrifice
whether we are eating surf and turf or just rice

© 2024 Endless Refrain

Merchandise, CD's, Stream, http://EndlessRefrain.com

#EndlessRefrain #ForeverIsALongWord #HerNameWasMay #AustralianMusic #ChristianMusic #IndieMusic #RockMusic #LoveSong

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