Experiencing both Death and Rebirth in this Lifetime

10 months ago

As strange as it may seem, many on an ascension path into 5D now are beginning to experience a sensation that could best be described as a phenomenon of both death and rebirth in this same lifetime. Their old, familiar self feels as if it’s disappearing, and a new Self is emerging. I describe this phenomenon and some of the strange experiences that are involved in it.

If you’ve been on a conscious ascension path for a while now, you will likely relate to this experience. And if, by chance, you don’t, you will likely begin relating to it sometime soon – simply because there are intense new energies flowing in now, pushing all of us up into a much higher frequency.

This is a year in which a profound shift within us does finally need to happen, a huge leap in frequency – something that’s even more dramatic than timeline jumps many of us have been experiencing in these last few years. This is because what’s been called the “Event” or the “Solar Flash” is due to occur within the next year or so. And so, to get us ready for this, an energetic intensity is happening within us – especially within those of us on the 5D timeline.

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