Palestinian Resilience In Resistance

3 months ago

All You Self Proclaimed "Patriots" and MAGA Freaks Sure Love To Support The Fascist Police State Don't You, When You Delusionally Believe It Serves Your Interests Against This Imaginary Enemy You Call "The Left". Watching Your FOX News Falling For The HAMAS, Muslim, Lefty, BLM, Narrative Revealing Your True Self As You Cheer On The Police State Squashing Other People's Rights To Address Grievances In Protest. Just Full Of The Same Hatred You Claim To Point Your Finger At. I've known This Since Childhood About Both Sides. They Will Talk All Day About Freedoms & Rights As They Take Away Those Same Freedoms & Rights From Others They Don't Like. They Will Support Locking You Up For A Joint in The Car Ashtray For Years In Some Cases And Then Go Out And Get Shit Face Drunk And Talk About Land Of The Free, Home Of The Brave Garbage.
This Is Why They Are Known As Fascist Pigs. Oh, And They Love A Good Protest. A Reason To Go Commit Violence Against People Who Can't Fight Back And Get Away With It. A Sadists Wet Dream. Better Than The Domestic Violence 40% Of Them Commit At Home.

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