Welcome to the twilight zone

9 months ago

There are many great people out there. And most people are good at heart. But the world has completely fallen off the rails. There is no question we are at end game. Look at this mental case on Pearce Morgan’s show. Why? Look at the transgender people, the collages. We need mental health help. Mental health is a severe crisis. Look at Alex Jones, the CIA goof. He’s brought great information at times. But he’s attacking Q people. Why? Because he’s trying to make those asking questions look foolish. Yet he is the fool. Besides, I can’t seem to get enough of that song. 😁🤣🤣🤣
All the crazies and all the evil is on full display. We know who is who. Even the Pay triots are being called out left and right. Derek Johnson is being called out for mis information by military vets. As he sells sells sells. It looks bad when you hear about the mis information we’ve thought to be true. But it’s all in the search for facts.
There ship is sinking. And the gloves are off.
Better days are coming. And knowing who is who. Makes is much easier to navigate.

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