Ep 117 N8 26th April 2024 Rumble CEO Calls Out New Zealand Ministry of Health

9 months ago

In Tonight’s Episode 

Rumble CEO Calls Out New Zealand Ministry of Health

Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski received an email from NZ lawyers saying he should take down content Rumble from FreeNZ.

This comes about from this idea that the MoH can order people about via their big shot lawyer Simpson and Grierson and the “Order” from the Employment Relations Authority (keyword Authority they are not a court) and Barry Young’s Whistle Blower data. These lawyers charge the big bucks and being publicly funded have an endless budget(in their minds)

Mr Pavlovski talks about the Barry Young information had been put up on Rumble along with other platforms many of which got scared and took it down after the “Order” was made. 

The union gets a lot of work with Simpson Grierson being the lawyers for the other side. They tout themselves as big commercial lawyers so it was interesting that they went to the ERA to get this order which came from a decision from now other than Shane Kinney, who we thave talked at length about on our zooms - He was the guy that told businesses to “Go hard” and they did not have to answer any questions from workers, when it came to implementing jabbing policies on their workers when he was working previously at MBIE.

Sue Greys OIA - 200 pages - much of which was redacted

Mr Kinley was shifted over to the ERA. 

CEO Rumble says no to MoH. He says it’s absurd and it is a breach of our rights of free speech. He talks about the “Pentagon Papers”.
Here is a fantastic link to this historical event - https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/educational-resources/first-domino-nixon-and-the-pentagon-papers and this is a good link https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/educational-resources/first-domino-nixon-and-the-pentagon-papers

The result of this event was all about the Vietnam War and that people need to know what is happening in wars as public funds are being used to pay for it. Nixon and Watergate is related.

Things that get forgotten:

The Rule of Law

The Seperation of Powers

And that the “People” are Sovereign 

Dixon ordered the break in at the Pentagon. 

The US Constitution is founded on the 1688 BOR. This is to stop Crown overreach. 1776 Revolution got rid of the Crown in the US but they still had the same set of laws which include 1688 BOR. 

The separation of powers has gone haywire and the Courts need to fix it - Thats their job! 

More interesting links:



N8 zoom where we discuss Australian jab injured worker wins in Australian Courts

Australian Police case 

There is so much incredible content in the Episode. A definite must watch. 

Please support Number 8 by being a paid member - even if you do not have an employment problem - think of it as a great insurance policy and you will also be supporting those that have current cases. 

You can also make a donation here - TSB account Number 8 Workers’ Union Inc 15-3968-0114433-00

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