The Wizard of Oz - Chapter 29 - The Universe... According to Mugsy

10 months ago

The Universe... According to Mugsy - Chapter 29 - The Wizard of Oz

This chapter we start off by discussing social media, why not being online has helped me stay sane, and why I need to get back online to get people offline. I explain the world... again, using the Wizard of Oz to help people understand. We dive into my consciousness and how I look at the world before we stop in at my alma mater, Emory University. It appears there is a disruption on campus grounds. Open invitation to any interns that want to explain social media to a BOOMER.

00:00:00-00:08:40 - Intro - Social Media Success & Struggle

00:08:40-00:16:22 - The Wizard of Oz - How the World Works

00:16:22-00:30:38 - Consciousness and Personal Philosophies

00:30:38-00:42:16 - Current Events on Emory University Campus

Take Back Your Consciousness.

I Love You.

Mugsy the Creator

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