Running For Congress And Taking On NY!

1 month ago

In this insightful episode of "Making Sense of the Madness," hosted by Jason Bermas, guests Joe Kent, a congressional candidate from Washington, and Bobbie Anne Cox, a civil rights attorney from New York, share their profound experiences and perspectives on both domestic and foreign policy issues. Joe Kent discusses his motivation for entering politics, rooted in the tragic loss of his wife, Shannon, in Syria, and expresses his desire to reshape U.S. foreign policy to end the 'forever wars' and curb the influence of the military-industrial complex. Meanwhile, Bobbie Anne Cox brings attention to the governmental overreach experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, detailing her legal battles against New York’s quarantine policies and advocating for the protection of individual freedoms against unconstitutional mandates. Host Jason Bermas expertly navigates the discussion, connecting personal narratives to broader political implications and stressing the importance of resilience in American democracy. This episode delves into the critical need for policy shifts, emphasizing a more isolationist approach to foreign engagement and a vigilant approach to civil liberties at home, urging listeners to critically engage with the issues shaping their world.

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