Antisemitism and the Origin of Hate Speech

10 months ago

October 31, 2023
Mind control is a real threat and we are all affected
Climate Denier, Racist, NAZI, and Antisemitism, are words that have been exhaustively misused to psychologically beat people into a submission of shame. It is a human-control technology that works on many people.

When you point out the facts which expose the man-made global warming theory as a hoax, you are called a Climate Denier or a Science Denier. We are expected to trust the science even if it doesn’t scientifically add up. The group mind has been conditioned to look down upon those who question the official narrative. And the word Denier, or Denial, has been made into a curse. This deceptive word play, along with the te term ‘Hate Speech’, both stem from the Holocaust Denial trials of the 1980s

In 1983, the founder of the Canadian Holocaust Remembrance Association, who was a holocaust survivor, filed a private complaint against German-born citizen, Ernst Zündel, before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. In 1984, the Ontario government joined the criminal proceedings and Zündel was charged of spreading false news by publishing the book “Did Six Million Really Die? The Truth At Last.”

He was not making claims that the Holocaust did not happen, just that,

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