Did a UFO Crash on Mars

9 months ago

Since 2006, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
begins its mission of studying the atmosphere
and terrain of the Red Planet.

Since then, the orbiter has taken almost 7 million pictures
of the Martian surface, but it wasn't until 2021 that somebody noticed this.

It's a pair of long parallel lines with indentations that lead to what appears to be a half-buried disk.

See that perfectly shaped crescent edge?

George Haas, director of the Cydonia Institute,
explains what the buzz is all about.

A South African researcher says he found
what appeared to be the remains of a UFO crash.

The object that he was looking at
was between 12 and 15 meters in diameter,
and it could be the remains of a flying disk that
had crashed on the Red Planet...

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