Home Safe Installation | Leading From The Front With Uriah | Episode #8

10 months ago

Today on leading from the front, Uriah and Josh do some Home Safe Installation. In today's video, two types of home safe are featured: The Hollon FB 450-E Fire & Burglary home safe, and the Hollon HG-16E gun safe.

These units are on a different end of the security safe spectrum, the FB-450E is a premium unit that is rated for 2 hours of fire resistance by the Underwriters' Laboratories and has security features such as a glass relocker to help prevent theft. The unit is more box-shaped than gun safe or other home safe models and is primarily meant for documents, electronics, or other smaller property.

The Hollon HG-16E is a starter tier gun safe that we've featured a product review over in the past. This customer wanted us to perform a mechanical safe dial installation to replace the electronic keypad. We originally wanted this to be a separate video, but due to time constraints for the delivery, we had to include the additional footage in this release of leading from the front. Rest assured we will release a more detailed tutorial in the future.

If you're interested in other types of home gun safe, we've written a detailed review on our blog of the Hollon Black Hawk series of gun safes on our website: https://www.guardiansafeandlock.com/blog/hollon-black-hawk-gun-safes/

What's the best way of choosing a gun safe?: https://www.guardiansafeandlock.com/blog/how-to-choose-a-gun-safe/

Help! I've been locked out of my safe!: https://www.guardiansafeandlock.com/blog/how-to-open-safe/

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