✝️ Crucial Question – Are YOU Part of a Glorious Church?

13 days ago

13TH ANNIVERSARY SERVICE: A Glorious Church (Matthew 16) - 2.12.2023 AM Service
Good morning and welcome to Open Door’s 13th Anniversary service! Pastor talks about how some modern churches have slowly departed from faithfulness in the Lord and instead have began pursuing fleshly desires like money and social acceptance. In Matthew chapter 16, we learn how Christ established the church upon Himself (NOT Peter), how we can continue building our church, and how we can avoid falling into carnal motivations. Also, Mrs. Glenda Weldy performs all the singing specials for this special occasion.
33:56 Intro to the message.
39:59 1. The promises Christ gave to the Church.
59:11 2. The purpose of the Church.
1:19:30 Closing prayer & invitation.

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