X22 Report-3338-Germany Misled Public On Green Agenda-Trump Trials Are Exposing The DS-Ad Free!

2 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep 3338a - Germany Misled The Public On The Green Agenda, One Rate Cut Is Predicted

The same government that lied to the people about covid are now misleading the people on the fake climate agenda. ESG investing is imploding. The unemployment number are manipulated and now the predictions is for one rate cut.
Ep 3338b - Trump Trials Are Exposing The [DS], B2 Bomber No Longer Stealth, Panic In DC

The [DS] want immunity removed from Trump, they know this will open the criminal syndicate to prosecutions, they are willing to risk this. But will they move forward with it? The trials are exposing the [DS] on how they colluded with the Biden admin/DOJ to get Trump, it is all falling apart. This is why they have a new indictment from AZ, this will backfire it opens AZ up for discovery and since Finchem and Lake have the evidence this will go down in flames. Bill Barr endorses Trump, B2 bomber no longer stealth. 
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